I have the privilege of working part-time for Happy Family and I get to give (not sell!) products to mamas for their little ones to try. Such a great job, right?! These are fantastic grab-and-go snacks and I’m pretty hardcore and picky when it comes to store-bought anything. Happy Family offers everything from starting cereals for babies to organic fruit & veg pouches and school-age snacks for lunches. They have something for all ages. I’m not gonna’ lie, my husband and I love their pouches and their HappyYogis…yep, we do. We might have taken a bag of Happy Yogis to the movies once twice.
This is why I said yes to working for them (from their site):
The only brand that includes ingredients like prebiotics and probiotics for digestive health, vegan and sustainable DHA, choline for brain development, and Salba®, (chia seed family) nature’s most nutritious whole grain
The first company to offer Greens Puffs and gluten-free Puffs, to incorporate healthy grains like amaranth, quinoa, Salba, and also fruits like mangosteen and yumberry.
We are dedicated to helping families eat organic without breaking the bank.
Allergy friendly . . .
Our products are clearly labeled and designed to offer parents the variety and choices they deserve. Click here for our quick finder allergy chart!
USDA Organic, 100% natural ingredients . . .
no pesticides, no chemical fertilizers, no genetic modification, no preservatives.
Works for me.
You can find Happy Family at your local grocer’s like Safeway, Fred Meyers, Whole Foods, New Seasons. Target has products in their baby aisle and Amazon also carries the brand.
My favorite products:
Happy Baby Pouches {Organic baby food in a convenient pouch. Glass jar baby food is heated at such high temperatures, most, if not all, of the nutrients are lost. These are heated at a much lower temperature and the nutrients are retained}
Happy Tot Plus Pouches {Organic fruit and veggie purees, think applesauce, only way healthier. For toddlers to 101}
Happy Munchies Carrot Rice Cakes {rice cakes flavored with fruit and veg juice vs. artificial flavors and colors}
Happy Yogis {yogurt melts with pre and probiotics}
Happy Creamies {non-dairy coconut milk fruit and veg bites. 50% veg}
Happy Times Veggie Pals {fruit snacks flavored with fruit and veg juice vs. artificial flavors and toxic dyes}
Happy Family is a great, organic, store-bought option for babies & kiddos! I did not get paid for writing this post. 🙂 I just really feel we need better store-bought options for our kids. The big company products that are geared towards our children have huge advertising budgets to get them interested in and hooked on what they sell, and what they sell is chock-full of…well, you know!
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