My Dilemma
If you read my last post “A Baby, A Graduation And a Move to the Country” you know I ran into some issues with breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is the best source of nutrition for baby — we all know that — but not every mama is able to breastfeed like she hopes and some moms choose to adopt. I personally had a low milk supply due to postpartum thyroiditis (low thyroid) and was desperate for something other than store-bought formula to give to my baby girl. I definitely wasn’t going to choose conventional store-bought formula if I didn’t have to, which is full of GMOs, corn syrup, denatured proteins and synthetic vitamins but, even store-bought organic formula isn’t all that great either. I tried organic, cow-based formula with her for a week and it did not go well. She was spitting up and puking so much. We were both miserable. I thought, “There has to be something better than this.” I looked at quite a few recipes online and they all had a long list of ingredients and most were cow based. First and foremost, I am all about whole foods and traditional nutrition like some of the homemade formula recipes out there, but I honestly couldn’t do all of the ingredients like raw milk and liver and afford it at the end of the day. I attempted to find a balance between cost, nutrition and time.
Weston A. Price Option
The homemade formula from Weston Price Foundation/Sally Fallon is popular, but the original recipe is cow-based, was a bit pricey for us and involved. I love Weston Price and if you can do this one, great, however, my little one needed something different and so did her mama.
Weston Price Baby Formula Recipe
Another Option
Then, I found a recipe that seemed more attainable for our family and the cost breakdown was awesome. Nutritionally, it was so much better than store-bought formula, it came out to be substantially cheaper and seemed more do-able to make each day. Win! Joe Stout, M.S. came up with this recipe for his daughter. His daughter also had issues with cow milk and she thrived on his goat milk formula recipe.
Discover How This Homemade Formula Changed My Daughter’s Life
Goat Milk vs. Cow Milk
Goat’s milk contains smaller fat molecules, non-allergenic, A2 beta-casein proteins (A2 milk) and less lactose (milk sugar) than cow’s milk making it a better choice to consume all-around. Goat’s milk even resembles human breast milk if you can believe it. Because the fat molecules in goat’s milk is smaller than cow’s milk, it is easier to digest.
We are milking the wrong cows in the U.S. and should be milking the brown, Jersey and Guernsey breeds which produce a higher ratio of A2 to A1 proteins. The black and white Holstein cows we milk today produce the majority of dairy products in the U.S. and the milk from these cows contain A1 beta-casein proteins. A1 beta-casin milk proteins are why many of us have milk allergies, especially in young children. According to Dr. Keith Wolford, author of the Devil in the Milk, there is a correlation in the consumption of A1 cow proteins and the incidence of type 1 diabetes, autoimmune disease, heart disease, autism, and schizophrenia. A1 proteins also cause issues in people with leaky guts. Goats produce predominately A2 milk protein and contain slightly less lactose (milk sugar) than cow milk and because it is overall easier to digest it has been known to be a better option for people with lactose intolerance even though the difference in lactose between goats and cows is small. When it comes to supplementation, goat milk is better over cow milk for infants who already have permeable, not-quite-formed guts.
My Hybrid Option
My recipe is a hybrid of the two recipes above. Goat milk has more calcium, B6, potassium and Vit. A than cow’s milk, but it is lacking in sufficient carbohydrates, B12, folic acid and Vitamin D to be a complete replacement for breast milk. That is why raw goat’s milk by itself isn’t recommended to be used as a complete formula. We have to add the missing nutrients and vitamins back in as best we can to mimic mother’s milk. I used the main components from Joe Stout’s recipe + my holistic nutritionist self wanted to include Great Lakes gelatin powder for digestion and gut building (I take this every day myself), nutritional yeast for B12 and folic acid and the choice of either Vit. D. drops or fermented cod liver oil for Vitamin D. (*Updated note: You can also add acerola cherry powder for Vit. C and DHA drops, we didn’t because she was mostly breastfed until she started solids, but it is a great option to include. Add 1/4th tsp. per 32 oz.). It should also be noted that goat milk/goat milk powder contains too much protein for an infant’s kidneys to handle, so goat milk and goat milk powder must always be diluted with water. The directions on the Meyenberg Goat Milk Powder calls for 8 oz. of water to 2 level scoops of goat milk powder. As you can see in the recipe below, that has been cut in half. It is 1 scoop to every 8 oz. of water. If using raw goat’s milk, the dilution is a 50:50 ratio. 1 cup goat’s milk diluted by 1 cup water, etc.
Every time I take S in to see her pediatrician, she is doing remarkably well. She was in the 50th percentile for weight and 67th for height at her 9-month checkup. She is now eleven months old; it will be great to see how she is doing at her 12-month checkup.
Homemade Goat Milk Formula Recipe
- 8 oz. of filtered water
- 1 level scoop of full fat Meyenberg goat milk powder (base for protein, carbs, fats, vitamins and minerals)
- 1 Tbs. organic, raw turbinado sugar or organic real maple syrup or goat milk lactose (carbohydrate)
- 1/2 tsp. coconut oil (healthy saturated fat)
- 1/2 tsp. olive or avocado oil (healthy monounsaturated fat)
- 1/2 tsp. nutritional yeast (B12 + folate)
- 1/4th tsp. Great Lakes gelatin powder (helps digestion and builds/seals gut)
- 1/8th tsp. organic, unsulphured blackstrap molasses (B vits, iron and helps bowels)
- 1/8th tsp. powdered probiotics (healthy gut flora, immunity) - (you can increase dose as baby gets older)
- Vit D drops (400 IU) or 1/4th tsp. non-flavored fermented cod liver oil (Vitamin D)
- 1/4th tsp. baby multi-vitamin drops if not nursing
- I find the best way to make this recipe is doing 32 oz. at a time and using a blender to emulsify the fats. If you want to make 1-8 oz. bottle, here's how to do it.
- Add 4 oz. hot, filtered water to an 8 oz. glass baby bottle. Add all of the ingredients but the goat milk powder and probiotics (probiotics are heat sensitive). Shake. Then add 4 oz. cold water, goat milk powder and probiotics. Shake again.
- Store in the refrigerator and only leave it at room temperature for a few hours max.
- 32 oz. filtered water
- 4 level scoops full fat Meyenberg Goat Milk Powder (base for protein, fats, carbs, vitamins and minerals)
- 1 tsp. Great Lakes Gelatin Powder (helps digestion, builds/seals gut)
- 4 Tbs. raw, organic turbinado sugar or real maple syrup (carbohydrate)
- 1 tsp. unsulphured organic blackstrap molasses (B vits, iron, helps move bowels)
- 2 tsp. olive or avocado oil (healthy monounsaturated fat)
- 2 tsp. coconut oil (healthy saturated fat)
- 2 tsp. nutritional yeast (B12 + folate)
- 1/4th tsp. powdered probiotics (healthy gut flora, immunity)
- Vit. D drops (400 IU/dy.) or 1/4th tsp. fermented cod liver oil (Vitamin D)
- 1/4th tsp. baby vitamin drops if not nursing
- Update: You can also add 1/4th tsp. acerola cherry powder (Vitamin C) and/or DHA drops if you want
- In a blender, add 3 cups of filtered water and 1 cup hot or boiling filtered water. Add all ingredients except the probiotics, Vit D and baby vits. Blend. Store in a glass mason jar with a BPA-free lid.
- Add the probiotics, Vit D and baby vits to 1 bottle per day.
- Storage is the same as breast milk: Store in the refrigerator and when pouring a bottle only leave the bottle out at room temperature for a few hours. It should keep for 4-5 days in the refrigerator and some people have had success in freezing it. When taking a large amount with you for the day, bring a mini cooler to keep it from spoiling. Some people like to take the dry ingredients, oils and water separately with them and mix as they go. You will find your groove and what works for you!
- *Once my daughter was drinking 32 oz. in one day, I would add the Vit D and baby vits to the blender and stir in the probiotics and store it all in a 32 oz. mason jar bc I knew she would get those within 1 day. Also, if your blender mix happens to be too hot, wait until it cools to add the probiotics, they are live bacteria that are temperature sensitive and are destroyed by heat.
Share This with Mamas Who Need It
This recipe saved us. So many parents are spending too much on store-bought formula full of crappy ingredients, even the organic brands!! I wish I had known this the first time around. I had trouble with my first as well and would have made this had I known. I didn’t know what I know now about soy, A1 proteins, GMOs, denatured vitamins, junk sugars and hydrogenated oils. All of it is in conventional store-bought formula and some of it is even in organic store-bought formula. Yuck! This recipe is cheaper, nutritionally better for babies and incredibly easy to make and it occurred to me, “Why would I want to give my baby crappier ingredients that are more expensive?” It became a no-brainer for me once I found out I had this option. I hear from a lot of mamas who have trouble breastfeeding, they think their only option is store-bought formula and many feel so dejected. I completely get that. Supplementing wasn’t my first choice and I wish I could have solely breastfed, but knowing I am able to give my girl the best supplemental ingredients I can while being able to source all of the items needed and still being able to afford it makes us feel really good at the end of the day. Share this post with a mama you know who could use this recipe and any of the other homemade formula recipe links that resonate with you and let mamas know they have better options! If you try this recipe for your little one(s), I’d love to hear from you in the comments.
This FAQ on Joe Stout’s page is a great resource. So many questions are asked and answered and ideas are given on how to store it and make homemade goat milk formula on the go. Check it out.
Homemade Goat Milk Formula FAQ
Homemade Goat Milk Formula Buying Kit
Multi-Vitamin Drops
This is optional if you are breastfeeding. If you aren’t, you need to supplement with multi-vitamin drops for this recipe. I honestly couldn’t find a stellar multi-vitamin drop brand on the market that didn’t have some kind of flavoring or preservatives. If you know of a better one, leave it in the comments.
A mama wrote me and said this recipe has saved her! Her husband who is a math whiz broke down the cost comparison to store-bought formula (organic, I believe). His conclusion was the homemade goat milk formula is about half the cost of store-bought formula. These are estimates based on where they went shopping and will vary depending on the price of ingredients in your state/country and where you shop. But, what a huge gap in price! And, better ingredients all around. Win!
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a doctor or medical professional. Please speak to your physician before using this recipe, always do your research and make your own informed decision. I am not responsible and will not be held liable for the use of this recipe. This is a recipe that my pediatrician approved for my child. It works for her and she is thriving. I am simply sharing it as a testimonial.
A huge thank you to Joe Stout, M.S. for creating his goat milk formula recipe, without it I wouldn’t have known where to begin and now we have a happy, healthy 11-month-old baby who is getting solid nutrients and thriving.
I wish that I had this recipe 8 years ago when my eldest was born, and 3 years ago when my second daughter was born. My first daughter, despite being mostly healthy, was confined to the NiICU for a week because the nurses would not listen to my husband and I when we repeatedly explained, “Of course her stomach is upset from cow-milk based formula. We are both very lactose intolerant!” It took a full week until they would listen, a week while the babies surrounding her did not make it, while my big 8 + pound girl had gastrointestinal problems due to cow milk. When we finally got her home we kept her on soy formula. Now I read the many awful Monsanto-approved ingredients that are in soy formula and I feel like an ogre. My youngest was born in another state. The hospital I had her at were not breast feeding advocates, they were breastfeeding nazis! No matter how hard I tried, or how many strangers hands manipulated my boobs into place, I was not making enough milk for my daughter. She was born with jaundice, which was made much worse by the fact that the hospital would only allow her my breast milk, which was minimal. By the time we were released she was starving and had horrible jaundice. I bought a breast milk pump and soy formula and we got to work feeding my girl. I still get angry when I think about their “breast milk or nothing” approach that was starving my daughter. For a full week after her birth we had to go to various hospitals and doctors’ offices to have her heel pricked to test for jaundice. After one particularly bad episode of this I lost it and panicked over the pain they were inflicting on my baby. (This was due to an inept nurse trying ten different heel pricks while my daughter lay there screaming.) Eventually we began giving her goat milk. I’d much rather raise a couple dairy goats to be able to avoid the only goat milk brand sold in stores. It’s quite expensive and smells like bucks (male goats!) I’m mostly just grateful both my girls are old enough now to not rely solely on soy formula or goat milk. I will be sharing you recipe with some moms to be! Thank you!
Thank you for sharing your story. I’m so sorry to hear you had those experiences with your babes. I, too, tried EVERYTHING to breastfeed and eventually found out I had a postpartum thyroid issue causing the low milk supply. Mine lost a pound at her one month mark and I was handed cans of formula. I thought, “There has to be something better.” I feel the same as you about my first, I had no idea that shelved formula was so bad until years later. Ugh. Glad your kiddos are doing well now! Live and learn, huh? 🙂
Hi I am looking to supplement my 8 wk old breastfed daughter. I am wondering at what age you started feeding your daughter this recipe and how many ounces she had a day. I’ve read troubling and very contrindicating info on the dangers/benefits of feeding infants goat milk.
Thanks, Lydia.
Hey, Lydia. I always recommend checking with your Ped, but we started our little girl on this at 1 month old because I had a low thyroid and low milk supply and she lost a pound. I had tried organic formula and it was awful, she had horrible reflux and was puking it up so that is when I researched and came up with this, which is just tweaked a bit from Joe Stout’s original recipe. The only dangers of goat’s milk for infants is stated in the post. Their kidney’s are unable to handle the amount of protein in full strength goat’s milk so you need to dilute it by half and add back in the lacking nutrients so simply use the recipe to a T. Goat’s milk is the most similar in profile to breast milk, it just needs some key nutrients added back in for a growing baby. Best to you and your little one.
Hello! I was wondering if there is a good substitute for coconut oil? I’m highly allergic to coconut oil and I’m concerned that my little one might be as well. Thanks in advance!
Hi Rama!
I have a 4 month old and up until now she has been exclusively breastfed, however due to several unfortunate circumstances it’s looking like we’re going to need to either supplement with formula or even eventually switch to full time formula. I’m quite heartbroken about this and as a fellow holistic nutritionist, I am desperate to find another option besides commercial formula!
Your recipe really speaks to me and seems so easy and affordable.
I’m just wondering what you think as to how much she would need at each “meal” at 4 months.
Like I know for commercial formulas they say a 4 month old should average 4-6oz 5 times daily
Would this goats milk formula be similar to that?
I know obviously it may be different for us if we end
up continuing to be able to partially breastfeed.
Would love your insight!
This formula saved my sanity, my relationship wirh my husband and my 3 year old and my baby!! The change after switching her to this is almost like magic, especially since i have tried every formula out there inculding neocate and elecare nothing made my baby feel better! So thank u for giving a simple recipe! My baby LOVES it
Okay, I’m seriously tearing up. AWESOME news!! SO glad this has worked for you guys. It saved us, too! Rock on.
What about for a toddler? Do you need to dilute the milk? He was neglected and doesn’t eat much, but we have no idea what he is used to eating and wanted to try this.
No need to dilute at 1 year and above for age!
My wonderful friend and midwife to my two older boys tarrin shared this with me my six month old son just had his first batch and loved it he almost drank a full 8 oz! Now he is napping happily
I just wanted to say thank u cuz I’m at the point in pregnancy where my flow has slowed a little bit and needed to supplement while nursing until he is on food regularly and I am so very relieved and happy to have found something I can get down him that is good! So thank u thank u thank u!!!
Tarrin was my midwife, too! I’m so glad she shared this with you! My 1st born birth story is on here somewhere. 😉 So glad it is helping, it saved me even though I still pumped around the clock.
So 4 scoops according to the goat milk directions would be 8 tablespoons for the 32 oz mixture correrct?
Hi!! This is wonderful. However it zings my baby. He gets hyper from the maple syrup, I think. Anyone else have this problem? Any ideas?
I am hoping (and preparing) to breastfeed our adopted baby (due Feb 2017). I am also trying to think ahead in case I need to supplement (if I cannot stimulate a full supply of breastmilk). I am NOT willing to use store-bought formula because of the toxic, genetically modified and potentially harmful ingredients (including the organic brands). I am discouraged by how expensive a healthy alternative is. I’ve researched several goats-milk recipes and this is prolly the simplest. My main concern with the ingredients is the oils, because I’m concerned they wont be able to go through a Lact-Aid or SNS tube without congealing and blocking up. Do you have trouble with the oils being too thick in the bottle or having difficulty coming through the nipple? Do you think this formula recipe would be compatible with a supplemental nursing system (very small tubing)? Maybe this is a rare question and you wont have an answer, but I figured I’d ask for your thoughts.
Thank you so much for your testimony and encouragement!
Hey, if the formula is heated a bit, it should go through just fine. Adoption is awesome! We hope to be where you are as well someday, congrats!!
In the 8 oz recipe 1tbsp sugar is almost 15g sugar, the goat milk is 11g sugar 1 scoop, and .625 in molasses, approx 26.5g sugar in 8oz of fluid sounds like a lot! Any thoughts? Otherwise the formula is solid!
Looking into this for my 6 month old. Currently getting goat milk online bc he can’t handle any store bought w added iron but it’s $67 a week! How much are all of your ingredients on avg? Do you typically run out of everything at a time? Help! My wallet is in desperate need!
I talk about the cost breakdown at the bottom. It is less than half the cost of store-bought formula. I got my goat milk powder online.
I have a different whole milk goat powder can you tell me what the amount is per scoop in this recipe? Thanks!
I think you should be more clear that if you aren’t bf’ing and you are adding in the multivitamin you need to drop the vit d drops otherwise you will be double dosing. Right? Also I just want to add that this is a great recipe and thank you for posting!
It should be noted that there is a typo in the larger recipe for 32 oz… The amount for molasses is double the amount for 4 batches of the (8oz) recipe. The 8 oz recipe called for 1/8 tsp and the 32 oz recipe calls for 1 tsp (should be 1/2 tsp). I discovered this after my baby had very loose stools for about 24 hours.
We will change that, thank you!
Thank you for this great recipe! I have a question, How do you serve the bottle? do you warm it up first? or give it to the baby cold from the fridge?
Thank you again!
-Pam V.
Thank you for this great recipe! I have a question… Do you give the bottle cold from the fridge or warm it up before you give it to the baby?
Thanks again,
-Pam V.
You need to warm it a bit bc the coconut oil will harden some. 🙂
Where do they get the iron and protein and omegas?
I’m sorry, I’m new to the whole formula making business and I just wanted to know how often would I have to buy all these ingredients if my baby is currently drinking 4 oz per feeding ? Thank you in advance.
Is there a calorie per ounce I can find?
Hi. I just started giving my son this same name brand of goats milk however, I’m giving him the evaporated form in the can (which you still mix with water) how would I convert this recipe to fit that??
I personally don’t have experience with evaporated milk for this recipe and it was not approved by my Ped so I would get with your Ped/Naturopath and I bet he/she could help you out!
What would be your thoughts on using pasteurised goats milk in this formula. I have access to organic goats milk but it’s not raw.
I think it would be wonderful as long as you dilute per age and add what else is needed! Full strength is too much on baby’s kidneys, but diluted is great!
Can I use brewers yeast instead of nutritional yeast?
I’m so happy that you found a solution that worked for your family and little one. Thanks for sharing your resources too. Pinned. =)
Thanks, Jessica! We are, too. It was such a hard time emotionally, I felt like a failure bc I wanted so badly to exclusively breastfeed, but glad we’ve had this at the end of the day. 🙂
My first born had homemade goat formula from about 5 months until almost a year when we switched to just plain raw milk <3
So great! I am going to look into a raw goat milk option now that we have moved to wine/farm country and she is almost a year…next month! Thanks for commenting.
This is wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing this. Pinning.
Thank you, Emily!
I love hearing these kind of stories! At about 10 months old, I switched my son to the WAPF’s raw cow milk formula and he thrived as well. I also felt much better about what I was giving him.
Awesome that you were able to do the WAPF’s recipe! I know, feels good to have these options.
I love this options for moms. That is one adorable baby, btw.
Ha! Thanks, Jessica. We think so!
Hi, my baby is allergic to olive oil, avocado oil and codfish. What natural sources can I use to replace these items? Thanks!
Any organic monounsaturated oil you feel comfortable with!
Hi there. We’ve been supplementing our baby with this recipe for a couple months. My question is, is there a substitute for the nutritional yeast? I’m allergic to yeast and my natural dr told me I should avoid all my allergies with my breastfed baby as well.
Great article! My friend has a baby and is struggling with finding the right (and healthy) formula, so I will definitely send her your article.
Thanks, Anna! I feel for her. It’s tough when it just doesn’t come easy right away. Thanks for sharing it with her.
This is GREAT info! I got pregnant with my 2nd baby when #1 was only 10 months. He’s 7.5 now, we were still learning about healthy, natural living but did give him straight up goat’s milk. I know lot of people who need this recipe!
Absolutely! Yes, I know a lot of moms who gave their babies straight up goat’s milk and they did just fine! Maybe we just know more now as far as what babies need nutritionally? I don’t know, ’cause so many mamas back in the day gave their babies straight up goat milk! Thanks for sharing the recipe with other mamas! 🙂
This is so important for moms to know there are other options than the supermarket formula variety. There is so much misunderstanding, heartbreak, and guilt surrounding breastfeeding, or, on the other extreme, not caring at all. After the twins were born I wasn’t making enough milk at first, and I felt trapped between a rock and a hard place no matter what I did. I didn’t want to give them store formula, but I didn’t want them to be hungry either. And all those crazy post birth hormones don’t help! It would have helped immensely if I had had a recipe like this, knowing I was feeding them with real food, even if it wasn’t breast milk.
Agreed, Naomi! Such a hard thing to navigate as a mom. And yes, coupled with sleep deprivation and hormones, makes for a lot of tears, at least it did for me! I went through all the feelings for sure and finally came to a place of balance and found what worked. Moms have to find what works and for a lot of mamas, having a better option can really help with all of the emotions that come with trying so hard to feed our babies the best we can give them.
I wish more people knew about homemade formula!
Thank you for this post. So many mamas don’t realize they do NOT have to use store-bought freeze dried formula. I’m sharing with my FB community (Business of Baby)
When I first read Nourishing Traditions, the formula alternative recipe really stood out to me as impressive and an exciting alternative. I love hearing your story and adaptation. Really cool! So happy for you all. Pinning. 🙂 BTW, we, too, love raw goat’s milk!
(Oh my word! The pictures of your baby are off-the-charts cute!!!)
We’ve pinned this for our readers! THANK YOU! Great alternative to chemical laden store-bought formula!
Ah, thank you! We love her to pieces! 🙂 Thanks for sharing this. -Rama
My 3rd son was born a year ago and I wanted a natural option for him. My older two children were 7 & 9 and I hadn’t done research into goats milk when they were born…anyway, my mom suggested the Meyenberg powdered goat milk and we used distilled water to mix it according to the label on the can. In the beginning he had bad constipation and I ended up having to use a prune extract in his bottles about once a week. Little did I know it was the goats milk being too strong. Well, he thrived on the milk! He was 10lbs 8oz from the hospital and just turned 1 a week ago and is weighing 33lbs and is in 3T clothes! I came across this recipe while doing some more research because I also have a month old little girl and while I do breastfeed, she still needs about 4-8oz more about 2-3 times a day. The only issues I’m having with the recipe is the coconut oil hardens if I don’t warm the bottle up. I can’t always warm it up due to us being somewhere where I have no warmer so, it kinda makes it hard to give her the milk. I’m hoping by taking the coconut oil out of the mix I’m not going to cause her to miss out on any vitamins she needs. If anyone can advise that would be great! Thank you!
Oh Rama, I’m so glad you discovered this awesome solution!! Supermama!!!
This is SO much more accessible and easier to put together than the WAPF formula! When I hear of moms who need a formula alternative, I’m hesitant to recommend the WAPF one because the ingredients are either really obscure or difficult to find/have access to. This formula actually seems to make more sense than the cows’ milk version (so interesting about the differences in digestibility, etc.!) and it’s so much easier to put together! Totally going to recommend this, and also I feel like I have one less thing to worry about in case I have issues with breastfeeding. This is perfect! <3
Emily! Thank you. I went through the same dilemma. I really looked into the WAPF and at the end of the day with all of the other postpartum stuff going on along with the milk supply issues, I just couldn’t do it. I think most people find the WAPF recipe super intimidating, not that it isn’t awesome, but this one is do-able and is a win all the way around. I hope you don’t have any of what I went through, geez!!! Praying all goes fantastic with breast feeding. I was fortunate I didn’t have to supplement too much for her first 7 mths. Go boobs! -Rama
<3 Thank you so much for sharing your story and this fantabulous recipe! I, too, had trouble with breastfeeding. This formula is such a great alternative to the GMO-laden, corn syrup crap in the mainstream formulas. I hope that this post reaches many moms (and babies!) who really need it…I know that there are plenty.
Great recipe, well written post…thank you for sharing!
I’m so excited to learn recipes like this that will help me in my future when I become a mother. 🙂 Thanks for this!
Sure thing, Alyssa!
I am confused about how much powdered goat milk to use.. I have seen this recipe quite a few times and each one differs a little. Is it 4 scoops using the scoop that came in the meyenburg can? And then 1/2 strength for the oils?
Hey, Ann. I hear you. I went over and over this bc of the same confusion until I created the recipe in the post to be exactly the amounts that would work for Meyenberg full fat goat milk powder. Use the exact measurements listed and you’ll be good to go. It is 4 scoops of Meyenberg goat powder (the scoop it came with) and the amount of oils listed. “The directions on the Meyenberg Goat Milk Powder calls for 8 oz. of water to 2 level scoops of goat milk powder. As you can see in the recipe below, that has been cut in half. It is 1 scoop to every 8 oz. of water.” Hope this helps! -Rama
This week I just made the switch over to raw goat’s milk formula for my 3 month old. I was/am still, hesitant and a little worried about using the raw milk but it comes from a very reputable local farm that is tested every month by the state and it was recommended by a naturopath doctor in our area. I’m new to the more natural things and am very hopeful this will work well for my baby. Up until now she has been on soy formula and has really bad eczema on her little cheeks. She also has bad cradle cap and constipation/tummy problems. I was given goat’s milk as a baby and my mom said there was a night and day difference in me starting the day she gave me the goat’s milk. Back then, they didn’t have her adding anything to it though, she just prepared it per the instructions on the can and gave it to me! She’s very supportive of me switching to the goat’s milk but I’m afraid to tell my regular pediatrician (not the naturopath who suggested this formula). Our recipe differs quite a bit from this one though. She has us adding aloe vera juice, chlorophyll and primrose oil. She didn’t explain each ingredient since it was over the phone on our free 10 minute consultation (I couldn’t afford a full visit for $250) so I’m wondering if you have any ideas what those two ingredients might be for? So far, my baby has loved this formula and is taking it great! No change in her eczema yet but I figure it takes some time for the soy to process out of her body. Anyway, I might try your recipe for my next batch since the powdered goat’s milk is much easier to get than the raw goat’s milk (about 30 minutes away and they sell out very quickly so sometimes you get all the way over there and they have none!). Thanks for sharing your recipe!
My guess is the aloe juice is for soothing your baby’s gut as it seems to have inflammation from the soy formula hence the eczema. I would stay away from anything soy, especially for baby, soy is overly processed and full of estrogens and not a health food as it was once assumed. As far as the chlorophyll, I assume it’s for the B vitamins, protein and awesome nutrients:
Chlorophyll: Carotenoids like vitamin A (beta-carotene) and alpha-carotene, and lutein.
Powerful antioxidant vitamins C, D, E, and even the elusive vitamin K.
A higher concentration of chlorophyll than any other plant on planet earth. And the super antioxidant, alpha-lipoic acid.
A whole slew of the brain-healthy, energizing B-vitamins – thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, vitamin B12, biotin, choline.
Minerals including: phosphorus, calcium, zinc, magnesium,and iron;
More protein per ounce than steak;
The favorite fibrous food of probiotic bacteria, inositol.
Healthy fats like alpha-linolenic acid, oleic acid, a balanced supply of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids;
Nucleic acids for building DNA and RNA;
Primrose oil is also used for eczema. You may already know this stuff, but 2 things that strike me as I read your comment:
1. Full strength raw goat milk or goat milk powder HAS to be diluted by half bc of its protein content. It is too much for a baby’s developing kidneys, hopefully your Naturopath recommended diluting 1:1 (1 part goat milk, 1 part water). And, because chlorella has a high protein content, that is even more protein on top of the goat’s milk, so just be sure to dilute.
2. The root of eczema starts in the gut. If the gut is compromised, eczema occurs. Once you heal the gut, the eczema will go away. Obviously, your baby is having inflammation from the soy, so taking all soy out of his/her diet is smart! Good job. Next, you want to heal and seal the gut lining and add in soothing liquids and foods to do that. I’m not sure if you’re vegan or vegetarian, but baby bone broth is HUGE for gut healing as well as highly nutritious for baby, so many vitamins, minerals and gelatin. Gelatin is what heals and soothes the gut lining and brings inflammation down. Also, the gelatin powder I include in my goat milk formula helps digestion and soothes the gut as well. It is like bone broth in powder form. Including bone broth and bone broth powder is incredibly healing and nourishing for baby. The aloe will also soothe the gut. Keep doing that if it is well tolerated.The gut also needs more good bacteria than bad. 80% of our immunity lies in our gut, so getting more good guys (good bacteria) than bad guys (bad bacteria) is crucial. Your baby needs probiotics (the good bacteria!) and probiotic-rich foods (like goat milk yogurt) daily! Probiotics will repopulate the gut and strengthen immunity and fight the bad guys so your child is less susceptible to sickness and other pathogens that attack our bodies. Here are some resources, hope this helps! Thanks so much for commenting and keep me posted on baby’s progress. If you can’t always source your goat milk or make the drive, the powder is a great, affordable alternative. It definitely helped us!
3. Also, goat, sheep and A2 cows produce milk with more A2 beta-casein proteins than A1 beta-casein proteins. This means these proteins are easier to digest and do not produce most of the allergies to dairy we see in America. I would stick to raw dairy if you’re comfortable and have a great source like you mentioned, and if you do cow dairy, find A2 cows/milk. A2 milk is produces by the brown Jersey cows not the black and white Holstein cows. We’re basically milking the wrong cows in America and the casein in these cows contribute to most of the milk protein allergies we see in our country. So, stick to goat, sheep and A2/Jersey milk and cheese when doing dairy, whether raw or pasteurized. My 2 cents. Most non-factory farmers milk the Jersey cows, there are a few other breeds as well that produce A2 milk, just ask the farmer, he/she can tell you. We have A2 cow milk sold in glass jars here at our natural food store, so it’s great for us if we can’t find a farmer.
*Transparency: Some of these are referral links so, if you purchase through the link they support this website*
1. The Eczema Cure (written by an acupuncturist and whole foods blogger, Emily of Holistic Squid, who healed her daughter’s eczema through diet):
2. Bone Broth: The Best Supplement You Can Take:
3. 3 First Foods for Baby:
4. Gelatin Powder you can add to your baby’s formula, the green can, not the red one or you will have clumps (improves digestion, helps gut):
5. Probiotics in powder form 1/8th of a tsp. DAILY in 1 bottle, then increase as baby gets older. I sprinkle it in everything, smoothies, raw juice, sandwiches, yogurt, whatever, as long as my kiddos get their daily dose:
6. Why the particular strand of probiotics I mentioned above?
7. A2 milk info:
Hi, my son just turned 7 months and has bad eczema on his face, mostly cheeks/chin. We have been dealing with his eczema for many months now and have yet to figure out how to maintain/stop his flares. I’ve recently taken him to a natural medicine/holistic doctor and she told us to put him on goat’s milk formula and upon searching online, I came across your website. I just started my son on your goat’s milk formula as it was the closest to what the doctor recommended for the ingredients. My question is what about ultra-pasteurized goat’s milk? Can I use that instead of powdered goat’s milk? I asked the dr and she said it was fine but searching online, it seems like it’s either powdered goat’s milk or raw goat’s milk. I also want to include the great lakes gelatin powder as you said it heals the gut. Is this okay for my son who may have food allergies? Just worried because I don’t want him to have a reaction to any of the ingredients as we don’t know what foods he is allergic to yet. Skin test came out negative and we are waiting for results on the delayed reaction test. Anyway, thank you so much for this post. I’m hoping his eczema clears with starting him on this formula.
Hey. You do not want to use ultra-pasteurized goat’s milk. You can read more here:
Stick to the powder goat’s milk from Mt. Capra or Meyenberg. Yes to the Great Lakes Gelatin. Food allergies and eczema are a gut issue/leaky gut. Check out the Gut and Psychology book. Bone broth is used to heal leaky gut bc of the gelatin itself and Great Lakes Gelatin is just that, gelatin in powder form. Because it is hydrolyzed and in powder form it is much easier to assimilate and digest, great for babies, kids and adults with food allergies.
Hope this helps!
Hi! We have been making this goat’s milk formula for 12 days now for my 9 mo. We are loving it so far, thank you so much! But just yesterday (day 11 on the formula) he developed a severe diaper rash, it’s swollen and bleeding. Has anyone else had this problem? He’s not really eating anything else except oatmeal because he’s just not been interested in solids much. I’d appreciate any advice!
Hey, Carly. My child did not go through this, but every child is different. 2 things come to mind: Food sensitivity and/or gut flora imbalance 1. Do you know if your baby has a sensitivity to dairy? What was he/she on before you switched to the goat milk formula? 2. Are you using every ingredient in the formula as written including powdered probiotics? If you are using the powdered probiotics, is this new to your child? Were you giving your child probiotics or breast milk prior to the introduction of the homemade goat milk formula?
It can simply be a diaper rash with common trouble shooting or it can be a gut issue or food intolerance. If he/she is sensitive to dairy, you will want to avoid all forms of dairy: cow, goat, sheep, etc. and work on healing your child’s gut. See Gut and Psychology Syndrome book and websites for more info: If you have introduced probiotics and/or coconut oil for the first time within the 11 days, the diaper rash can be a flare or common reaction as his or her gut is coming back into balance and being repopulated with good bacteria. Coconut oil is antimicrobial and kills bad bacteria and probiotics is good bacteria that comes into our gut when taken and repopulates some of the overpopulated ‘bad’ bacteria. When this happens the bad bacteria start to die off and release toxins as they do, this can cause a wide range of reactions in children and adults.
7 Causes of Diaper Rashes and How to Treat:
Let me know more if you get this response, but hopefully this helps to trouble shoot it!
One other thing, oatmeal and grains can also not be tolerated well, especially if you child does have a compromised gut.
I have been making this via joe stout’s recipe and baby gobbles it up. He has only gotten a max of 4 oz per day because we EP (long story). I would love to switch to this full on but don’t know what to do about his frequent night waking to eat….I don’t want him to awaken fully as he waits for this to warm up (I currently just feed him milk I pumped and left out waiting for him to eat – of course not more than the recommended amount of time – ) and since he doesn’t have any set wake and sleep times, I never know day or night when he will want to eat so anything that has to be warmed up I would love tips on how to’s to avoid hangry baby lol.
He wants to be held all day and will only catnap if held and wakes sooner than his typical 20 min if put down to sleep during the day….so tips on when to mix up this recipe appreciated too and not sure if running blender at night would wake him…
Also some wholesome food website (that is opposed to goat milk for babies ) states the proper dilution is 2/3 and when I plug in the info to my fitness pal, using 1 tbs and 1 tsp of the meyenburg powder plus other ingredients does yield the macros that dr stout says in his comparison chart on his first post about this formula.
Your take on if I should continue at using it 1/3 strength or bump it to half….don’t wanna tax baby kidneys.
Thank you for sharing this post and being willing to give your honest opinion one mom to another.
Hi! I was curious if this would be ok for a 7 week old? We are on a lactose free formula off the shelf after discovering organic cows formula gave him silent reflux. Even the organic lactose relief didn’t work, so we have had to ignore our true feelings in order to feed him.
He is now constipated and not himself, although less refluxy. I am at my wits end and so devastated I cannot breast feed due to previous surgery. We are looking into home made and I love goats milk myself, so I hope he won’t be sensitive to it.
What do you think?
Thank you for sharing your story!
Yes, we started our daughter on it at about 6 weeks. Talk with your pediatrician if in doubt. You can definitely try this recipe and see how he reacts. Do you know if the lactose is for sure the issue? It could also be the casein or both. My daughter was mostly breastfed with little supplementation until 7 mths, I was dairy-free and she still had bad reflux on mostly breastmilk. When I was told at her 1-month check-up I had to supplement some because she was losing weight, I tried organic, store-bought formula for two weeks. It was awful. Her reflux got so much worse. She was throwing up and spitting up like crazy. That is when I decided to look into making my own, she took to the goat’s milk way better than the store-bought formula and her reflux went down and slowly eased up until she grew out of it after a few months. I would say give the goat’s milk a shot. All of the other ingredients are soothing to the gut like coconut oil, olive oil, gelatin powder, probiotics, cod liver oil, etc. and they are all important and play a role in the nutrition they need. It is so much better than what’s on store shelves so it can’t hurt to try. You can increase the blackstrap molasses a bit to help with constipation, the probiotics will help with that, too.
Just showed my Dr your recipe and she loved it! We have been given the all clear. We are unsure if lactose is the issue, it runs in the family, it was a suggestion to try lactose free formula to see if reflux cleared up. Whilst we initially got good results at first, it is still there and the constipation is awful. I would feel so much more comfortable feeding him something home made, I can control the variables a lot more! He is also on homeopathics and herbal medicine which is working a treat, if we could find something to feed him that didn’t make him worse…well I can only imagine what that would be like!
I am so sorry to hear of your daughters troubles, it seems to be so common that many of us health conscious mamas struggle with store bought. It really goes against everything I believe. I am studying to become a nutritionist myself, as well as a herbalist so DIY sits more comfortably.
At present we are mixing up his formula with chamomile tea in place of plain water. This is making him so much more comfortable and less gassy. I am curious if we could continue this with your recipe? Also, if he has issues with goats milk powder, do ou think that using goats milk turned into kefir could work or too much overload for his belly?
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, I truly do appreciate it. It is tough to find people willing to discuss this as many are scared to do anything different than breastmilk or formula off the shelf.
Hey! Yeah, store-bought is so gnarly: I think the chamomile idea is fantastic as long as it is the same amount of water as the recipe, it should be just fine. I’m not sure how kefir would work, might overload his belly because it’s high in probiotics, you could talk to your doc about that one. Cool that you are going to school for nutrition and herbalism! And no problem on getting back to you, that’s why I posted it so more moms could know we have options. Give it two weeks on the homemade goat milk formula. Let me know how it goes! -Rama
Thank you for the reply again! I have one final question I promise. We are using a different full fat powder as we are in australia. It doesn’t come with a scoop. Any chance you could let me know how many mLs make up the scoop you use for the recipe? Sorry to be such a pain! Just nervous about getting ratios wrong.
Thank you again
Hey, Summah! Whatever the directions say, just cut the powder portion in half. It’s a 50/50 ratio of goat milk powder to water. So, if it says 2 Tbs. of goat powder to 8 oz. of water, for a baby it would be 1 Tbs. to 8 oz of water. Does that makes sense and help at all?
I just had to let you know that this recipe has helped us so much. He is a different child. All skin issues cleared up within 10 hours, he is sleeping, eating good sized meals instead of bare minimums, going to toilet with ease and twice a day and is actually happy and engaging with us. I don’t know if it’s a combination of all the herbs and Homeopathics we have him on as well as getting rid of the toxic crap and putting him onto this but it works! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, will be sharing with all I know! X
I’m so glad to hear, Summah!! What awesome news! I bet it is a combo of homeopathy and the goat milk formula. They are both wonderful. Homeopathy supports the body’s own healing, which is great! Our family has really gotten into using essential oils this pasty year (like herbs but 1 drop of EOs is way more potent) and they have done wonders for us, so I know what you mean about combining good nutrition with plant support. Good stuff!!! So glad your little guy is feeling better! Thanks for sharing this recipe, mamas need to know they have options!
How do you use the chamomile tea with the formula? Do you use it on every feeding on just 1 bottle, also how much water you use for one tea bag. I heard good things about chamomile tea.
Hi ive been using your formula for my son for the past two months and he really loves it! He has a dairy allergy and was unable to tolerate any other formulas but seems to do well with yours and it makes me feel much better knowing that its all natural. I do have one concern though. he just had his 9 month checkup and the doctor was concerned about goat milk and nutritional deficiencies. He had his labwork checked and he was anemic and his iron was pretty low. He doesnt really have any anemia symptoms but it worried me that it was low. I give him a multivitamin daily that has iron in it but i give it in his formula so not sure if the goat milk could be blocking the absorption of the iron? Was curious what your thoughts are on this. The doctor wants to put him on conventional formula but i really dont want to as his stomach is so sensitive and doesnt tolerate them well and he hates the taste of them.
Hey, Bethany! Glad to hear it is working for him! First question, are you using the recipe exactly? If you are using the recipe exactly you should not run into nutritional deficiencies because you are adding back what the goat milk powder alone does not have like the blackstrap molasses for iron, the nutritional yeast for B vits, saturated and monounsaturated fats, the cod liver oil or Vit D drops for Vit D and if he’s not breastfeeding at all, a multi-vitamin drop is required. If you are using the recipe to the T, just add a bit of blackstrap molasses to each bottle for iron and because he is at the age to eat solids, he should be getting iron-rich foods like liver. Sounds gross, but chicken and beef liver are one of the best things you can feed baby. Egg yolk and bone broth, too! They are both incredibly nutrient-dense. I’m not sure where you’re located, but our natural food store has a really good liver pate I give my daughter and have given her for months, you can talk to your local meat counter person and look for a pasture-raised liver pate or even liver itself to add into foods. You can add a bit of chicken liver (has more iron than beef liver) to grass-fed beef burgers, just mix it in before cooking it and give him that if he’s ready. Other iron-rich foods are spinach, lentils, molasses (which you’re doing in the goat’s milk), and oatmeal. The goat milk formula will not block the absorption of iron unless your son has a separate issue with iron absorption, which your doc can let you know about that. And, so you know, breast milk isn’t high in iron either. 😉 When your baby is born he has enough iron stores for about 6 months, then he should be getting iron-rich foods. So the fact that your doctor didn’t mention that makes me sad, I wish docs knew more about nutrition! The reason he might not be getting enough iron is because he’s not eating enough iron-rich foods! If he was strictly breasted, it would be the same situation. Vitamin C rich foods are good to add as well as they increase iron absorption! Look up some of those, too.
One last comment for Joe Stout whose recipe I based mine off of:
This is an excellent question and requires a bit of explanation. When a baby is born full term they usually have a 6 month supply of iron that they have stored up while still in the womb. Therefore, from 0-6 months, the iron requirement for infants is only .27 mg/day. After six months however, the requirement jumps up to 11 mg for babies between 7 -12 months and then drops back down to 7 mg/day for toddlers 1-3 years of age. (The iron RDA won’t go back up to 11mg/day until your son or daughter is a teenager.) The formula that I created will deliver the .27mg/day with no other fortification because blackstrap molasses contains a good amount of iron. Usually by the time a baby gets to 6 months, they begin eating a variety of solid foods and as long as parents are careful to include iron rich foods (winter squash, sweet potato etc.) along with vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables (vitamin C assists with iron absorption) supplementing with iron drops shouldn’t be necessary.
Hi there,
I’m intrigued by this recipe but am worried about the nutritional levels. Are you able at all to estimate the amount of protein and vitamins contained within an 8-oz serving? Has anybody calculated that for you? Our pediatrician is concerned that if we switch, our 5.5-month old won’t get the nutrition he needs, and I’d like to know the exact amounts, if possible.
Thank you!
I am a holistic nutritionist and calculated everything and took it to my own Ped who went over it and also got the original recipe from Joe Stout, MS Masters of Science in Clinical Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport and a Bachelors of Science in Human Nutrition and Food Science from Washington State University. That being said, we want you to feel comfortable using it so I would take it to your Ped and have him/her calculate it.
Thanks so much for the response! i have been following the recipe to a T but i did take out the molasses for a couple weeks as he was having excessive dirty diapers. I did add it back in the past couple weeks but maybe that did it? i have been giving him chicken but not chicken liver so maybe i will try picking some of that up and more vitamin c foods.
Sure thing! Yes, just add lots of iron-rich foods and Vit C foods and he should be good to go!
Hi there,
A quick question. Is 2.5 teaspoons of the sugar necessary? What would happen is it was cut down? Curious!
Thank you much!
You absolutely MUST have the sugar. I use real maple syrup. Breastmilk is naturally high in sugar and provides the necessary carbohydrate for baby. One of my Peds patients cut the sugar back and the baby stopped growing properly. They need it! Sugar is mostly thought of as bad, but in this case it is a necessity. Hope this helps!
My son is 4 months old and we had to switch to formula at 6 weeks due to an undiagnosed tongue/lip tie issue combined with an over active letdown that caused my baby to choke at every feeding. He developed terrible reflux at 2 weeks and even though I was dairy free, still had bits of soy in my diet. When he had been a couple days old he was given normal formula to supplement because of his terrible jaundice and drop in weight (he dropped a pound and a half in 4 days). He reacted and got hives within 30 minutes. I ended up nursing around the clock for 3 days to get his weight back up but he was miserable and tired, which carried on for the remainder of my time nursing him, which is why he eventually went on a 3 day breast strike and I was forced to make the switch. From our previous experience, I was terrified to offer him anything with milk as I was certain he was severely allergic. And since I was told most dairy allergic babies and allergic to soy, we went straight onto the hypoallergenic formula (alimentum). The milk protein is broken down and there is minimal soy ingredients. He’s still super fussy on the bottle and spits up A TON after every feeding. I sometimes wonder if the broken down milk protein is still too much for him to handle. Anyway, I was researching goats milk formula and I am familiar with both the recipes you listed that you based your formula from. The thing is, I haven’t implemented using any of them yet because I keep reading that 90% babies who are allergic to cow’s milk will be allergic to the proteins in goat’s milk. I would really love to try this, but am so nervous that he will have a severe reaction. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
Question for you….can acerola powder be added in your recipe? I have come across many other goat milk formula recipes and they say to add acerola as a vitamin C supplest. Thank you! =)
Absolutely!! 1/4th tsp. for 32 oz. I thought about adding that ingredient as an option. I didn’t want to overwhelm folks, but maybe I should add it so folks can know about it. 🙂 Great idea.
Hi! We have been through so much the past 4 months trying (forcing) our baby to drink neocate per dr orders. Little one has severe reflux and a milk protein allergy. Finally researched goat milk formula. It has been a full week and the change is remarkable. He loves drinking his bottle now and has doubled his intake! I have a question about the yeast. If the goat milk powder has folic acid is the yeast still needed? I see that meyenberg brand has vit d and folic acid in it. Thank you for your time! I have enjoyed reading your blog!
You would probably be fine without it, just check with your Ped about the daily recommendations for your baby. I’m so glad to hear it is working for you all! Awesome! -Rama
Thank you for taking the time to respond! Your recipe is the one we have been using and I love it. I just need to get the yeast!
Hi! I just had a few questions. I’ve been using this recipe for my 1 month old. He was projectile vomiting and screaming in gas pains on my breast milk and formula. My friend suggested goats milk formula. He’s doing GREAT on goats milk. But I’m wondering if I should use the whole powdered milk or the non fat since he’s so young? And also when you make larger batches like 32oz how do you keep the coconut oil from hardening? Do you heat up all 32 oz each time you make a bottle and pour out what you need?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!
Hi! Wanted to know why you cut the suggested level scoops of goat milk from 2 to 1 for 8oz. Thanks.
“It should also be noted that goat milk/goat milk powder contains too much protein for an infant’s kidneys to handle, so goat milk and goat milk powder must always be diluted with water. The directions on the Meyenberg Goat Milk Powder calls for 8 oz. of water to 2 level scoops of goat milk powder. As you can see in the recipe below, that has been cut in half. It is 1 scoop to every 8 oz. of water. If using raw goat’s milk, the dilution is a 50:50 ratio. 1 cup goat’s milk diluted by 1 cup water, etc.”
We are switching to this but we have to consider the cal count. Do you know what it is? We are switching from a 30 cal enfamil enfacare and don’t want to lose important cals.
I sure don’t, but you could pass it by your Doc or input it into one of those calorie counters perhaps? I hope it works well for your little one.
I have a 5 month old that I breastfeed but when I leave her with my mom for a night I have a hard time pumping enough milk and I am just curious if this formula is safe to give her once or twice if I run out of milk or give her this instead of breastfeeding if I am not able to anymore…
Yep, it’s safe! I always say check with your Ped if you are concerned. 🙂
Also, do you have a hospital grade pump, those are fantastic! Really made the difference in pumping for me. I hope you are able to pump enough breast milk over this recipe, even though this recipe is great it can’t beat mama’s milk!
i just made this for my baby today and she loves it hopefully it will not have any negative side effects on her! So far so good! I was scared to give her anything besides breast milk but I am feeling good about this! I also have a few questions. Once the formula is made does it always have to be warmed up to be fed to her ? We are going on a trip really soon and I am just curious if we will have to stop and warm up a bottle or can I just mix up all the ingredients and give it to her like that ? Or will I need to be carrying hot water with me and make it according to the directions one bottle at a time or can I premake it for the 32 ounces and have in a cooler and just pour it for her in a bottle ? If that makes any sense !
This is completely up to you. The downside of it not being warmed up is the coconut oil hardens when cold so it gets clumpy and all weird in the bottle and you WANT those nutrients to get to your child vs. clumping up the bottle. Even just running the bottle under hot water until it gets melty is better than nothing if you don’t want to go to the trouble of always having to have warm water. We honestly never carried warm water with us. We would make 32 oz. fresh (it’s usually pretty warm when it’s first made as you know) and then just put it in a cooler and call it good. It always worked out. It’s one of those trial and error things you do until you get your system down and figure what works the best for you! 😉
Post back if you found a neat tip or trick we could all use! I’m still making it for her and she’s 18 mths! The nutrients are just too good and it’s a good way to get those probiotics and coconut oil in! -Rama
My son has been labeled as FTT because he is unable to consume all of the calories he needs. He currently has a gtube and I give him pediasmart soy formula because that was the only organic option in was given at the hospital, which I hate. He is 2 years old. Im looking for alternative homemade formulas and I came across this recipe that I really like. Is this recipe strictly for an infant or can I use it for a toddler (2 year old) that needs to put on some weight? Thanks
Absolutely you can! I still give it to my daughter daily bc of all the nutrients and she is now 18 mths. You can do ‘full strength’ now that your child is over 1, which means follow the instructions on the back of Meyenberg Goat Milk Powder as far as scoops to liquid. 2 scoops = 8 oz. of liquid I believe vs. the recipe in this post. That’s what you want since they can handle more protein in their toddler years. Definitely include everything else in the recipe as stated. abulous nutrients and hopefully your son will gain. Coconut oil is fantastic, probiotics are huge! nutritional yeast is great, the sugar you can leave for now as it is the main carbohydrate and good for weight gain and breast milk is naturally high in sugar, once you’ve reached the point where he has gained and maintaining you can take the sugar out, that’s what I would do as a mom, but talk to your doc about that if you have questions about the org. sugar. And yes, bravo for ditching the soy!! Such gnarly stuff for anyone really, but boys in particular bc of the phytoestrogens. My little gal was losing weight at her 1 month I mostly breast fed her and supplemented with this and she thrived and is still thriving!
I wish you two the best and keep me updated!!
i was wondering if this formula is ok to give a newborn? i have had a breast reduction a couple years back and im not sure if i will be able to breastfeed. I will of course check with the pediatrician as well.
I did, but check with your doctor.
Hi Rama,
First of all, thank you so much for sharing this with us! I have a 6 month old who I still breastfeed but I do not pump enough to leave with my aunt (who babysits her), so she is given formula from 8:30-5 basically. After finding out about goat milk through a post on instagram I began my research and wish I had known about goat milk before I came back to work at 3 months. I mentioned the Meyenberg goat milk recipes to my daughter’s pediatrician and she said I can definitely give her Meyenberg powdered milk but she said I do not have to add any other ingredients since I am still breastfeeding and now giving her solids. Would you agree? Should I just give her what the can calls for without the added ingredients? Also, should I still cut the scoops in half like you did in the recipe? Thank you!
Hi! Awesome recipe! My baby is 3.5 months now. Is this like shelf formula where it has to be used within the hour or can a big batch be made each morning and refrigerated for the day? She is currently only taking 4 oz every 3 hours. Thanks!
You can definitely make it up and it will last for a few days in the refrigerator.
So if I make up the 32oz batch, I can have it in the fridge for how long? I am planning on using it to supplement my lack of production… Have been able to get breast milk from my twin but she can’t keep producing for two babies! Lol
Does it smell funny btw?
I’m needing to supplement my 10 month old, and have been doing so with formula for a little while now. I don’t think she handles grains real well, and corn is a major ingredient in most commercial formulas. I’d like to try goat milk, and this recipe looks like the easiest, yet most nutritionally sound one I’ve found yet!
One question – I would love to use raw goat milk, but my husband is very opposed. I have access to pasteurized milk (NOT Ultra-pasteurized, like Meyenberg fluid goat milk) from a local goat farm. What are your thoughts on that as opposed to a powdered form?
Thank you!
It sounds like that is the closest thing to raw without being raw. If you completely trust the farmer and they have clean practices, I’d say go for it. Just note the part in the post where it calls for dilution. It’s a 50:50 ratio I believe. Once your babe is over 1 they can have full strength bc their kidneys can handle it, but before then goat milk MUST be diluted with water and the other nutrients added in bc it is lacking. 🙂
Is it normal for this to taste very sweet?
Yes, breast milk is very sweet and the majority of its nutritional profile consists of carbohydrates in the form of sugar. I wondered the same thing at first.
My little girl is only 5 weeks old, would this formula be safe for her?
Absolutely! I always say run it by your Ped to be sure. Also, just make it just like the recipe calls for and if you are not breastfeeding add the liquid, baby multi-vitamins.
Please help. I started feeding this to my son when he was about a week old. He is now almost a month, and he started spitting up a large amount of it and is VERY gassy and cries and cries. His poor little tummy sounds like a boiling pot and he is miserable 🙁 The only thing that is different is the gelatin… I got most of the items at the health food store and they only had Beef Gelatin? Is this safe? I just didn’t know what to do last night because he screamed for so long that I ended up going back to store bought formula. And while researching I came across this “Goat’s milk contains inadequate quantities of iron, folate, vitamins C and D, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, and pantothenic acid to meet an infant’s nutritional needs. This milk also has a higher renal solute load compared to cow’s milk and can place stress on an infant’s kidneys. This milk has been found to cause a dangerous condition called metabolic acidosis when fed to infants in the first month of life.”
Hey, Jana! Were you able to read the entire post? There’s a lot of info, but I mentioned the kidney issue in that you must dilute goat’s milk by half. I also address the lack of some nutrients in goat’s milk alone that is why we add back the other ingredients listed. The gelatin powder is specific to the kind I listed, it is hydrolyzed gelatin, not regular gelatin. I’m not sure what you ended up with, but there’s a big difference. Once gels and the other is for quick absorption and easy on the tummy (hydrolyzed). Goat milk may not be for everyone, but I have not heard of anyone having issues with it yet. It is way better for baby’s tummy than cows because of the size of protein molecules. I’m so sorry he is having a tough time. Maybe take the gelatin out for now and if you can get the kind I linked to (the green can). It actually aids in digestion and is soothing for the gut. You can even use it everyday for yourself to improve gut health, skin, nails, joints and as a protein powder replacement. It is full of collagen, amino acids, and minerals. Just follow the recipe as exact as you can and you should be good to go. If he still has trouble, you might have to try something else. Best to you and please if you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Also, if you have access to Amazon (I’m not sure where you live) or Thrive Market the green canned Great Lakes gelatin can be found there.
I may have missed it but…how many calories per ounce is the formula?
Thank you!
That is a good question! I’m not sure. You could take it to your Ped and have him/her look it over or plug it into an online nutrition calculator.
Thank you so much for posting this! I was wondering if you’d come across other sources of carbohydrates besides sugar?
You’re welcome. A lot of folks are like, “Wha?!!” when they see sugar bc we are trying to take that out of our kiddo’s diet, right? For babies, though, they HAVE to have it. The majority of breast milk is carbohydrates in the form of lactose, milk sugar. My Ped. told me a story of a fam. who didn’t use sugar in their homemade formula and their baby ended up being diagnosed with failure to thrive. All of the options listed are all forms of sugar and you can pick your fave: raw, unprocessed organic sugar, real maple syrup, brown rice syrup. I personally used raw org. sugar at first bc it was easier to measure out and then switched to real maple at around the 9-month mark or so. After 12 months you can give them full goat’s milk undiluted and skip the sugar altogether. I always say have your Ped look over the recipe to make sure. Hope this helps!
Rama (rayma)
yes it does! Thanks!
Hi Rama! Thank you so much for posting this recipe and the links to the exact ingredients on Amazon – what a time and stress saver! I just ordered everything and am excited to get started! I have been breast feeding but not producing enough and having to supplement about one bottle per day. My baby could not tolerate any of the cow’s milk formula’s and only takes the organic soy one when she is really hungry…which happens around 5pm. It makes me so sad. Really hoping she likes this!
Unrelated and per your field – do you ever do any personal consulting for meal planning with leaky gut? I have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Celiac and am very sick after my pregnancy. I cannot have gluten of coarse, but also am now allergic to oats and need to sprout any grain before eating it (rice, quinoa, ect)…I cannot have any dairy either. There are many things I cannot have and I am really having a hard time getting enough food/calories in while breast feeding. Just wondered if you know anything about these autoimmune diseases and if I could hire you to help me with meals for myself so that I can keep producing milk for my baby. Sorry I didn’t know where else to ask this! Perhaps you have an email icon on your site somewhere but that is part of this brain fog…I am so tired, I just don’t even see it. Either way – thank you so so very much for this formula recipe!!
Hi, Avee. I’m so glad you found the formula. It was a life saver for us when I was going through low milk supply. I do take clients, it is what I went to school for and I also have leaky gut and Hashimoto’s so I so get it. Mine struck after my 2nd was born. The brain fog is aw-ful. I would love to work with you. My email:
We can Skype, email, chat or talk whatever works for you. I will send you more info. as well. My practitioner site is under construction at the moment.
Glad you reached out, let me know how your baby does on the homemade formula.
Hi… Thanks for much for sharing about your goat milk formula. I have purchased everything from Amazon, but because I am in Canada, the goats milk is very expensive. Where, when I come to the United States would I find Meyenberg whole powdered milk?
Great question. We have a store that carries Meyenberg powder called Fred Meyers and a lot of natural grocery stores carry it as well. Just keep a look out. Also, Joe Stout’s website Mt. Capra might be another way to go as well, they carry a great goat milk powder.
Hi! I have been using your recipe for supplementing with my son since he was 2 weeks old, what a lifesaver 🙂 When he was 10 days old, I got mastitis, and unfortunately my supply never really returned to normal. I am now only giving him this formula, therefore needed a multivitamin. I, too, had a hard time finding a good infant multivitamin that did not have any artificial flavoring/unnecessary junk in them, until I found a multivitamin made by the same brand prenatal vitamins I took when pregnant – Rainbow Light Nutristart Multivitamin Powder. My only issue is it says on the box for ages 6m and older. I was wondering if I used half of the recommended dose (for ages 6m-12m), if that would be safe for my 2m old? Also, are you aware of any other ingredient that could be used for a carb in this formula besides a form of sugar? Thanks in advance, and thanks again for sharing this recipe. I have passed this along to a friend of mine with twins, who is beyond grateful as well!
Great news, Elizabeth and thanks for the recommendation. I couldn’t find one either! So frustrating. I love Rainbow Light so I’ll definitely check this out. So..I will say I was put off by the sugar thing, too, but then I realize I didn’t understand a baby’s need at that age. So breast milk as you probably know is mostly carbohydrate in the form of lactose (milk sugar) so in order for the caloric intake to match it as closely to mother’s milk you have to add back in some form of sugar or baby will not thrive on this recipe, which actually happened in my PEd’s office bc a family was so freaked out about the sugar content. That’s mostly what breast milk is, it’s super sweet. That’s how baby grows. The two options I found: raw, organic, unrefined sugar and/or real maple syrup. Some folks have also used brown rice syrup as well.
I’m so so glad you are having success with this recipe!! And yes, as long as you take the multi vit dosage down a bit you should be just fine, but always check with your Ped to make sure!
My daughter is indeed “thriving” on this formula. I have been giving it to her since she was a month old. She is about to be 4 months and I was wondering if I should change up any of the doses of ingredients for her changing nutrition. We will start her on rice cereal in a month and baby food when she can sit up on her own. As such, do I need to lessen anything in the formula? There is not a choice for pediatricians where I live and the one I have to go to does not agree with feeding a baby anything but store bought formula. He evens pushes women to use formula and not breast feed, thinking he must be wanting a job as an infant formula spokesperson…lol. However, my little Ember is tall and strong and extremely healthy because of this formula. I should also add that I also breast feed. We do half and half
Awesome, Ashley!! Keep these ratios the exact same and then you can change them a bit once she turns 9 mths. You can lower the water content by 1/4th and by 12 months you can skip the sugar and give her the full strength goat milk, no dilution. I personally kept all of the other nutrients in my daughter’s goat milk after 1 bc what an awesome amount of nutrients to be given in a really easy way: liquid. Never stop giving her probiotics, those will always be a daily thing (the fighters that make up her immune system) and coconut oil is wonderful, full of lauric acid, which is found in breast milk, coconut oil is antimicrobial, excellent for the gut, etc. so I just kept all of the ingredients except the sugar and stopped diluting once she turned 1.
Also…something to consider. Rice cereal is actually one of the worst foods to start baby on. I know, crazy, huh? That’s what we were taught was the best, I had to re-learn all of this, too. Bc baby’s guts are not fully formed yet, they don’t even need grains until after 1. Veggies, fruits, meats and fats are the very best foods to start baby on if you can believe it. 🙂
Check this out:
Do what you feel is best of course but wanted to pass this along, bc no one told me either!
Hi, Thanks so much for posting this.
What multi-vitamins do you use?
I listed it at the bottom! If you can find a better one please post it. I didn’t have a ton of luck finding a really clean one.
Hi there. I will be making this today for my 6 month old with raw goats milk. I’ve seen other goats milk formula recipes on the web that require additional added lactose. Curious if I should be adding any lactose to this recipe if I am using 1/2 raw goats milk and 1/2 water?
The lactose in this recipe is in the form of raw, organic sugar or real maple syrup and yes it has to be added for baby to get the right amount of calories. Once he/she is 1 you can just do straight goat’s milk. If you follow this recipe to the T you should be golden!
I started my son on goat milk formula as a supplement to breastfeeding around six weeks old after the formulas the doctors kept pushing did not digest for him. I have been following the same recipe from Mt Capra as well but using whole goat milk and diluting 50/50 with spring water. Around 2 1/2 months my son refused the breast until my milk supply dried up. 🙁 He has been fed the goat milk formula exclusively since and is now four months old. He had been low on the weight and height charts to begin with, 30%, but at his four month visit was down to 2%. My pediatrician is very upset with me about his lack of growth and questioning the calories per ounce. I am wondering if you are familiar with the whole milk dilution ratio being anything other than 50/50? My understanding was that it is the same as breastmilk calories per ounce. I have been to two Naturopathic doctors as well but no one seems to be that familiar with homemade formulas. I would appreciate any information you have on this.
Yes, you must dilute goat milk and goat milk powder with water by half. But, are you following my recipe EXACTLY? Or Mt. Capras? You have to be adding in the sugar, fats and other nutrients like probiotics, molasses, etc. back in. If you are doing the recipe to the T this should not be an issue. My daughter lost weight bc my milk supply was low due to low thyroid. When I supplemented with this formula she gained exponentially.
I know one family in my Ped’s office wasn’t adding the sugar in bc they thought sugar is bad and their baby ended up with ‘failure to thrive’, As an adult yes, excess sugar like that is not good, but breastmilk is mostly carbohydrate in the form of lactose, milk sugar so make sure you’re adding that in. I’m assuming you are, but I know some folks freak out when they see ‘sugar’ as an ingredient, raw, maple organic or not.
Keep me posted!
Hello! Thank you so much for sharing this. My little one is five months. We started her on this formula at three months. I too wanted to exclusively breastfeed. This has been a life saver. We recently went to her four months check up and the pediatrician did not like that I was giving her goats milk. She claimed it would cause bloody stool and colitis. Is this even something to consider? All the research says its actually in the colitis diet to help soothe the gut. I’m pretty sure we will be finding another pediatrician.
Um, yeah no. I have NEVER heard of that. In fact, Dr. Axe in his leaky gut protocol suggests goat dairy. I have no idea that Ped got that info. Of course do your own research, but I’ve never heard of that. I’m so glad your little one likes it!! That is so great to hear. The only thing about goat milk is you have to add back the nutrients that are missing and dilute it by half with water bc the protein content is too much for baby’s kidneys, that’s it. Otherwise, your babe should thrive.
Thanks for commenting,
I was just wondering, I have different posts about using 1 Tablespoon of the meyenburg full fat goats milk powder per each 8 oz. But in this one it says basically 2 Tablespoons in each 8 oz. I’m confused on which one I’m supposed to do. (Been using 2 though).
Hello! I have realized my milk supply is not up to snuff and need to supplement with something else; I just love the way this recipe looks! I was wondering if you think it would be a problem mixing 32 oz portions of the dry ingredients so that I don’t have to get out all the different ingredients every day? I would just add the wet ingredients when I was ready to make the formula. Thanks for your thoughts and excellent post!
Absolutely! Do what works for you to make it more manageable for your schedule! I did batches as well.
Hello Rama!
I just want to make absolutely sure before moving forward this way, but I am fully on board with supplementing (I’m preparing for the worst-case scenario as I return to work within a week) with goat’s milk formula.
Do you still stand by this now (I am unable to find when this was originally posted, but I am noticing a lot of the goat’s milk formula blogs are at least 2-4 years old)? I am sure you do, but I just wanted to know if anything has changed, or if you’ve found any new research to recommend otherwise.
Thanks so much for posting this as your blog is helping fortify my resolve to move forward using this for my infant son!
My pediatrician did have a concern regarding the lack of B12 and folate in Goat’s Milk, but I know that Meyenberg comes fortified and nutritional yeast also supplies both nutrients, so I was going to make it with both of those (as well as all the other ingredients that satisfy other nutritional requirements). He said that as long as the folate amount satisfied what is medically recommended, he had no concerns with our supplementing using this formula.
Thanks again for this insight and for taking the time to read this!
Yes! I still 100% use it exactly for my daughter who is now almost 2. I just use full strength goat milk vs. the dilution that is required for babies under 1. It has been fantastic for us.
Do I have to use gelatin powder? Its the only thing that needs to be ordered online and I will only be using 2 oz of this with 2.5 oz of breast milk. Our baby doesn’t have gut issues and has only had breast milk since birth, 3 months ago. Thanks!
Nope! You don’t have to.
There is too much water in this formula. When I was reviewing the proportions on the back of the can, the scoops to water ratio was for 2 scoops to 3/4 cups of water, rather than 2 scoops to 1 cup of water. This means that when doing double water, you should be adding only 1 scoop to 3/4 cup of water, not to 1 cup of water. 1 cup is the base amount for the prepared milk. In order to be more accurate, you can mix the milk as directed and then add a cup of water to every cup of milk you use or add all the dry ingredients and then add water slowly to the mixture to the correct amount of desired prepared formula. Everything else is generally correct when I compare this formula to several other brands of FDA approved formula in terms of fat, protein, and carbohydrates, although the fats are slightly lower as you need to add back 20 grams of fat and 4 tsps only gives you 19 grams (but this is really, really, picky). The water is a problem though – especially if you are feeding this to younger infants.
I’ve been over this probably 30 times and gave it to my Pediatrician who also reviewed it and approved it. It was exhausting, lol. I kept double checking and triple checking to make sure I was accurate. That being said if you feel like you need to add less water, please do what you feel is best. 🙂
Hi, perhaps this question has already been answered but I wondered how to modify this recipe if all I have access to is skim milk powder? Or is that not even an option. Thanks!
Whole milk is definitely better bc of the fat content and calories, I would be hesitant to try to make up the difference. You could increase the coconut oil and avocado/olive oil, but I would talk to your Ped/Naturopath and go over it first.
Could I use lactose to sweeten the formula? If so, how much would I use for 32 oz?
This recipe has been SUCH a lifesaver, THANK YOU for sharing it!! Question – do you think organic coconut sugar would be okay to substitute for the carbohydrate? I’ve been using organic maple syrup, but it’s a bit costly so I’d like to swap in something different.
You would have to look at the carbohydrate content and compare. I’m hesitant because I don’t think it’s enough, so definitely check that out. You can also use organic, raw, unrefined sugar. It will save you tons. Some folks are gun shy on the sugar aspect, but breast milk is just that, mostly lactose (milk sugar) and baby needs it. Just check the carbohydrate ratio and talk to your Ped/Naturopath to make sure! 🙂
Thank you so much for posting this recipe!! It has saved us! I switched my exclusively breastfed baby over to this at 13 months because I couldn’t keep up with his demand and he is not eating enough solids to get all the nutrients he needs. Since switching to the formula he is so much happier, fully hydrated (which we were struggling with), and is sleeping much better. How would you change this for a baby over 1 year? Would you keep it the same or add/take anything out?
You can do full strength goat milk and skip the sugar altogether. I kept the rest of the ingredients bc they are so good for her and her gut!
Hi, I am wanting to start to supplement some of my breastfeeding with goats milk for my son who is 11 months. He is eating homemade baby food and yoBaby yogurt very well. He’s even starting to munch off of my plate some. Do you feel it is still necessary to dilute and add all the extra things to the Meyer fortified powdered goats milk for him at his age? I normally nurse my babies longer and never use bottles at all but his latch is terrible. He was border line tongue tied and had it clipped a bit at around 8 months. But I think it was to late. He “chews” me while nursing and with 8 teeth, ouch! I’ve held on as long as I can but I need to wean him off me. I’m in too much pain to continue. I was hoping to transition him over the next month and by his 1st birthday have him on bottles full time. So is plain full strength goats milk ok? Thank you
At 12 months you can give him full strength Meyenberg or raw goat’s milk (if you feel comfortable). The rest of the ingredients are fantastic to give baby/toddler regardless. It is easy to get probiotics in that way, and coconut oil, gelatin powder, etc. great nutrients and good for the gut. 😉
Also, you can skip the sugar/carbohydrate after 12 mths, too!
Could I make this without the gelatin? My son may have an issue with bovine, we aren’t sure yet. Should I substitute something else or just leave it out?
You can, yes. It helps form the gut and aids in digestion but you certainly can leave it out.
One more question. I’m using the Mt. Capra Goat milk powder that you mentioned because it’s organic. Does that alter the recipe at all? Thanks!
It might because the amounts might differ from the two brands, but as long as you are halving the serving and diluting it you’ll be fine. Instead of full strength you would cut it in half and dilute with water for baby’s kidneys to process the protein properly, otherwise at full strength it is too much.
Hello, I would like to thank you for sharing this awesome recipe. My 3 month old has thrived well on this. I just have one question on the multivitamin dose. I watched a video a youtube from a woman that was adding extra doses of her multivitamin into her daily batch of formula. My question is what would the reasoning be for this? Ive followed your recipe to the exact except im using infant care multivitamin. The bottle states 1 ml per day, however she was using 5 ml per day of this same vitamin. Once again, thank you so much! 🙂
I’m not sure what she was doing, but all you need is a small dose per day for a little one. I’m so so glad your little one is doing great on it. Yay! -Rama
I’ve been using Natures One for my daughter. Not being able to breastfeed my babies (absolutely no milk supply) just about kills me and after hours of research I landed to Natures One. Our dollar is getting so low (in Canada) it’s becoming unaffordable and I’d like to try this recipe out. She’s nearly 4 months old. Is it a well balanced formula for a young baby like this? Any insight would be appreciated! I’m glad I came across this.
My daughter started using it at 2 months old.
Hi Rama,
Thank you for this blog and for the hard work of coming up with a good healthy formula. It has helped us tremendously with our search for the right nutrition for our baby.
I have one issue with your formula, however. According to my calculations, your 8oz formula recipe would have 6g of protein (4g from one scoop of goat milk power and 2g from 1 tsp of Great Lakes gelatin). That is more than twice the protein level of breastmilk. Do you think this is too high, or are my calculations wrong? Or is the gelatin not processed in the same way?
Hope to hear your thoughts on the matter. Thanks again for all your dedication to the cause of informed parenting!
Hey, Mark! You can definitely leave the gelatin out if you are concerned. 🙂 I add a bit for ease of digestion and the nutrient profile, but it is an optional ingredient.
How do you recommend storing with coconut oil as it hardens in the fridge. Any tip would be appreciated! Thanks!
We just lightly heated it on the stove if it got too clumpy. 🙂
I look forward to making this formula for nine month old to supplement my diminishing breast milk. My daughter is in day care five days a week. If I were to make four days worth to have on hand and prepare a bottle for her, would the bottles need to be warmed just like we warm her breast milk that’s pumped? Also, if I use full strength Meyenberg Goat Milk it would need to be diluted correct?
Hi there! I just wanted to thank you for posting this. I have a 5 month old who has had reflux issues and then when I had to start supplementing she could not seem to tolerate ANY formulas we tried. ( She has been one unhappy/uncomfortable baby and its been very rough!) We ended up spending so much money trying more and more expensive ones with no luck and a couple times along the way had heard goats milk suggested. Once I was at my wits end, I finally decided to look online to see how the goats milk thing worked and your post was one of a few I read. Your post was the first one that felt doable to me so we decided to try it… I FINALLY HAVE A NORMAL BABY! She was immediately able to gulp this stuff down, which she could not do with formulas at all. She actually has ended up tolerating it better than my breast milk and has now fully switched to this recipe as my supply tanked. She is never in pain when she eats now. No more screaming and choking on her reflux. I cant tell you how much we needed this. It was so hard having such a miserable baby and being unable to make her feel better. She also was waking constantly in the night before due to needing constant small portions. She seems to be slowly realizing she can keep sleeping now and I am finally getting some rest again too! Thank you soooo much 🙂
What is the best/safest gelatin to use? Bovine? Porcine? Which do you recommend?
The best gelatin is linked in the post. 🙂
Can I use the natures way primaphidalus children’s instead of the rueteri?
Yes! We go back and forth. Here’s why I like the Reuteri strain:
My son in almost 10 months old and my milk supply is dwindling since he started eating solids so I have been wanting to supplement. I can’t wait to try this formula but I was wondering when I can implement just raw goats milk instead?
You can implement raw as soon as you feel comfortable! If you find a really good, reputable, clean farm that you trust and feel good about it go for it!
My baby is now one and has been eating this formula since 5 months. Thank you!!
I was wondering did you ever transition your baby to the full serving of the goat milk powder?
I am trying to figure out how to get her weaned off this formula while still being able to give her a bottle in the morn and night.
Hi I’m wondering if the formula once made an be frozen? I am going on a short holiday and will not have access to a blender.
Yes, it should freeze just fine!
I was reading on another site that water toxicity might be an issue with goats milk formula because it’s diluted by half. Is this an issue do you know?
No. You have to dilute by half bc of their small kidneys. If you make this recipe to a T, you shouldn’t have any problems. I am not a doctor and always recommend talking to your Ped. if you have any concerns. We talked with ours personally first before starting this.
Hi, I’m very happy to find this recipe. I’m wondering what the ratio of the non powder goats milk (meyenberg) I would use in place of the powder. I read you said the ratio should be half full strength. So would I do 4oz of milk and 4oz of water?
Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! I’m really sad I have to supplement but it makes me feel much better to have such great ingredients.
My son is just over 3 months. He was born just shy of one month early and I’ve struggled to find a formula to supplement with that doesn’t cause painful gas and bowel movements (he screamed, cried and tensed in pain). Even the hypoallergenic caused him diarrhea. I was raised on goats milk and have wanted to try it for him but was afraid without the pedi’s green light. When I found this recipe I was hopeful. We’re on day 3 but he has cried more and tensed often. I’m not sure if I’m overly sensitive at this point, but is there an extreme adjustment for their digestive system with this formula? I want to stick it out because I love that I make it and know all ingredients but I think he’s in pain and cant bear it if I’m causing it!!
Yes, there is definitely an adjustment period. Hang in there and I hope he eases into it. Every baby is different and this recipe may not be the solution, but it ended up working really well for us. Mine had horrible reflux and was spitting up everything commercial before this. There was an adjustment period of about a week or two, but again do what you feel best with your mama tuition. If you feel it isn’t a good fit, you know best!
Also, are you giving him a pinch of probiotics? That is huge for gut health and there is definitely and adjustment period with those for everyone starting probiotics, adults and babies alike.
I have some amazing success stories using goats milk! I gave it to my son as a supplement. Breastfeeding was failing us and he had lost a scary amount of weight by month #2. He is now almost four years old and super strong and healthy, with an incredible immune system. We bought two Nubian goats so that we have a consistent supply of fresh, raw milk. It has worked wonders for our entire family (even our dog!).
I just recently gave birth to my second child and we are having some similar issues with breastfeeding. I was so happy to find this recipe for goat milk formula! Would it hurt to omit the nutritional yeast if I am using blackstrap molasses (B vitamins)?
I am so forever grateful to the friend that recommended this after a post I made on facebook talking about my sons’ issue with formula. We tried milk, soy, hypoallergenic and amino-acid based formulas! My poor baby spent weeks crying in pain to the point where he wasn’t eating. After taking him to the emergency room and being told he had cows milk allergy and would just have to wait for him to get used to the hypoallergenic formula I began to do research. I put my son on a formula for protein sensitivity and GI disorders. He tolerated this more than the other formulas but was still spitting up quite a bit. He also wasn’t pooping, only about once a day. When I started researching this goat milk formula, I immediately bout all the ingredients the next day. He has been on goat milk for about a week and he is a totally new calm baby. HE LOVES THIS MILK!!! I am so happy!
Oh, Hope! Tears!! So so happy for you and your babe!
Can you put a two week on this formula? Thank you so much!
You sure can! Check with your Ped to be sure if you are in doubt. 🙂
Two questions: my son is 3 months old and is on conventional formula now (has been since one month old). He isn’t doing terrible on the formula, but for his well being I would absolutely like to switch him. Is it a bad idea if I do the goatmilk once or twice a day and formula the other feedings? Only asking for money sake.
Second question: if I use fresh goats milk, I would just add the extra vitamins to that right? And diluted 50:50 of course until he’s 12mo. But just wondered.
This article is AMAZING! Thank you so much for sharing how this has helped you. I’m so excited to start using it on my sweet boy. ❤️
A couple of questions, hoping you can guide me along 🙂
1) If my child is getting 2 feedings that are breastmilk and the rest (6) are formula, would I still be adding the Vit D3 drops & Multivitamins?
2) Since the multivitamin already has Vit D3, is the Vit D3 solo necessary?
Thank you so much!
Oh. My. Goodness… Thank you! I think this formula was the answer I was looking for. I had been having so many issues with my daughter’s digestion. She’s 1 month old and has barely gained weight since she was born. I’ve had trouble breastfeeding and pumping breast milk and had to start supplementing with formula. Come to find she can’t tolerate cow’s milk… I was at my wit’s end worried sick over how I could feel my baby and keep her healthy and HAPPY. The doctor recommended nutramigen formula after I told him I refused to use soy formula. Well, nutramigen formula has soy in it! Amongst other things that I can’t pronounce and, the more research I did, things I was not comfortable feeding my child. Also, she just looked like she hated it when she’d have a bottle of that formula… I just made her first batch of your formula and she jade r first bottle… Her eyes rolled like it was the best thing she’d ever tasted! Also, so much less spit up and no uncomfortable grunting after feeding like she’d done with the store bought formula! She’s now sleeping soundly and content! I hope this isn’t too good to be true! Also, I always like to taste what I’m giving her. The nutramigen formula was disgusting! I felt terrible giving her something I wouldn’t want to eat. Breastmilk is on the sweet side and is actually pretty pleasant for anything be who’s ever tried it! Your formula is freakin delicious! It smells yummy so I tried a little and it’s really good! So glad I’m giving her something tasty too!
Hi there!
What are your thoughts on this recipe from birth? We are expecting our third son shortly and know we are unable to breastfeed.
Thanks 🙂
We love this formula!! We exclusively bf for 6 months and due to tongue tie and latching issues, I had supply issues and baby was a slow gainer. When we switched to this he now is reaching his full growth potential and is in the upper percentiles for size. It tastes delicious, and I feel so grateful that we had an alternative to commercial formula. He has an intolerance to cow milk. It would not have been pretty… he was even reacting to the bit of dairy I was having while bfing. Small patches of eczema. All clear now. Thank you!!!! Xoxo
Great recipe! My sweet 3 month old baby boy decided to stop nursing after doctors told me I needed to start supplementing 🙁 this recipe will help the grieving process by me knowing he’s getting the best he can’t get besides my breastmilk… I’m still pumping but it’s not enough since I don’t respond to the pump as well.. I have a question can I use goat milk lactose instead of sugar?
I love this recipe and have been giving my daughter this 3 months now just to supplement with the breastmilk. She is 13 months now and was questioning if this formula is still go to give now that she is 1 year old. The concern I have with following the directions on the back of the can is that it call for a 8oz amountil of liquid. My daughter has never drank more than 4 oz at a time…she still doesn’t. So is the protein amount going to be too much for an 4 oz bottle if I follow the directions on the can? Also, did your daughter notice the difference when you took the sugar out of the recipe. I’m concerned that she won’t drink it without the sugar. I’m trying to wean her from the breastmilk so I guses she getting sugar from both the recipe and breastmilk. Hopefully this is not overload. Thanks for your help in advance.
My son is 17 months and we just started supplementing this formula because I felt I wasn’t producing enough milk for him. We have loved this formula and recommend it to anyone looking for an alternative to breastfeeding.
We do wonder if there is another substitute for goats milk. I’m not sure if my son is reacting to the milk or something else in our house. He has had a runny nose for two weeks and doesn’t appear sick so I thought I would try substituting something for the milk. He seems to get really congested with cow milk so I assume it’s the milk. Any advice would be great! I’m trying coconut milk but wonder if I need to add other ingredients to make it more nutritious.
Thank you!
Hello and thank you so much for the recipe! I have a question. The DHA drops are made with cod liver oil. If we are using Dha, should we omit the Vit D/codliver oil? Also, if I am doing some breastfeeding, is it still necessary to add the probiotic? Thank you!!
Hello! My little man is 3 and a half months old and exclusively breast fed. Its been an extremely rough time and unfortunately I’m beginning to think I may have to stop breastfeeding to save my (and my husband’s) sanity. I would like to attempt feeding my baby this formula in addition to pumped breast milk (if I don’t loose my supply all together). I’m wondering if I can milk half and half in his bottles for feedings or if I should just give him half of his bottles with straight breast milk and half straight goat formula. What do you recommend? Would he be getting too much fat or protein if his diet was half this formula and half breast milk?
How many calories per oz?
Hey there! I am SO thankful that I have stumbled upon this recipe. My 5MO has been struggling his whole life with tummy issues and my breastmilk. I am currently eating soy, dairy, and wheat free (it took us a lot of tears and time to figure all of his allergies out)- any who, I’ve noticed a sudden drop in my supply.. i used to could pump 8 ounces and now i only get 3-4!! My husband and I were never letting formula be an option because we know whats in it, but we feel safe supplementing with this until my milk supply comes back. I am going to keep pumping but i am prepared for the letdown when my little one isn’t interested in nursing.. i foresee that happening /: but i much rather feel good that his little tummy is getting full as well as all the nutrients he needs.
I have a question though- i made my first batch today and i mixed ti very well in my blender.. after pouring into 4 bottles i noticed a whipped layer at the bottom of the blender that didn’t get in them bc it was sticking to the sides… it had literally whipped up like when your making whipped cream
-Is this normal? if so do i scrape it out and divide it into the bottles or just pour it out
-Or am i doing something wrong?
Thanks SO MUCH!!
Love this recipe! Thanks so much for sharing. I can’t wait to try it out. I have a question: how long will it stay good in the fridge before going bad?
What is the trick to keeping the coconut oil from solidifying too much with cold temperatures to keep the probiotics from damage/alive? Or is there a specific kind of coconut oil you use in the recipe?
Hello Rama thank you for this wonderful recipe! I just want to make sure I have this right because my mind is spinning with all this formula research I’ve been doing. After you have mixed all the ingredients together for the 32oz option you don’t need to dilute the mixture again when you go to give it to the baby correct? My daughter is three months old and I been reading alot about how too much can hurt thier kidneys. Thank you for any help you may be able to give me.
If I use a baby multivitamin drop do I still need to add the D3 it has it in it already?!
I ordered the German brand “holle” goats milk formula because I suspect my 5 week old is allergic to cows milk however when I told my pediatrician she begged me no to give the goats milk because of its lack in vitamins b, 12, iron, and folic Acid. If I move forward with using the formula I’m wondering if I just need to add stuff to it? Thoughts?
This is why everything else is added! No worries! Show her the entire recipe and see what she says!
Thank you dearly for sharing! Busy switching over to this homemade formula. My son is 15 months. Breastfed till 11 months then switched over to mostly goats formula as noticed he has a skin sensitivity to Cow’s milk. Researching more we found that store bought goats formula (even the best) is not actually that great as you say! Happy we found your words! Wish we could get our hands on raw milk but we can’t. Question: Is it better to use the whole milk goats powder or normal fresh goats milk? Would we still dilute it half and half with water at his age 15 months?
X Much Love
If you can find a trusted, raw goat milk source it is incredible for the immune system and a superior milk by far. Google all of the yummy benefits. Yes, you would still dilute by half as well, just like the powder. Second choice would be the full fat powder.
Hi! It’s 2/15/17 and I’m wondering how old this article is? Is there anything that you would update or is this recipe still good today? My twins are on similac alimentum because they have a cow milk protein allergy and unfortunately I was unable to produce enough breastmilk for two. I really want to get them off of the formula and on to something healthier, less processed, and less chemical filled.
Thank you!
Yep, still works! My girl just turned 3 and did beautifully on it. Always check with your Ped if you have questions or concerns. It’s a great recipe and so much better than anything store-bought + half the cost we found.
My son loves this stuff! He is almost 1 and I am curious did you switch to whole cows milk at that point? or did you continue on with goats milk? Thanks for the info!
Hey, there! At one year you can do full strength goat’s milk without dilution. That’s what we did and kept the other nutrients like coconut oil and collagen bc they were SO good for her. So glad your babe loved it!
Thank you for this recipe! My 1 year old has been having eczema flare ups for months. We have tried everything topically to help, but it keeps coming back. I plan on trying this formula to see if it helps him get relief. I have been looking into goat’s milk recently and am hoping it can help him! I especially like that this recipe contains the collagen and probiotics! Did you ever add dha when making this recipe? If so, could you recommend a brand?
My daughter is 6 weeks old and 4 days ago we finally gave this formula a shot. We have had nothing but issues with her and dairy formula. She would cry and fuss all day and night long. Her naps were only 20 minutes for a long nap. Even at night we had to take shifts with her because she wouldn’t sleep more then 20 minutes without crying. The night before we decided to give this a shot, she didn’t sleep at all. Kept crying all night… I never thought it would be possible for a newborn not to sleep! I had her on Babies Only Organic Formula because it’s the best one I could find on the market. We tried a few and finally went to the lactorelief one. That seemed to help but her stools were so often and so stringy and slimy. She had a bad rash from the acid. I knew something was wrong. The pediatrician kept insisting she was fine because she was gaining weight and that we could try a super allergenic formula. I couldn’t do it… it has so many horrid things in there. I was ready to order a goat milk formula from Europe though we may have needed a loan to afford it… That’s when I ran across your post. So far she has been doing so much better. She is not fussing as much and wakes up every 2.5 to 3 hours at night to eat which is huge. She even took a 2 hour nap the other day which has never happened before. She will sit in her chair just looking around and content. Her stool is normal and doesn’t smell as bad either. She is still a bit colic at times but that will need some time. Anyhow, knock on wood… I’m nervous that this is all by chance but so far I’m excited. I’m still very worried about taking her health in my hands. I’m not chemist to put a formula together nor doctor… How do I know she is getting all the vitamins and nutrients she needs!?! The pediatrician would think I’ve lost my mind. I’m worried to even say anything.
In either case, thank you for posting this option.
I do have one question: do you add the DHA, Vitamin D, and Multivitamin once a day? Or just one of the three? I’m worried I may be giving her too much Vitamin D.
Hello, I absolutely love this recipe and have been making it for my twin boys since they were born on 1/27/17. I was mixing the Holle goat’s milk formula with this homemade formula but then started using this formula solely. I follow the recipe strictly. My question: one of my sons seem to get slightly constipated. He has daily bowel movements but they seem harder to pass, more formed and a tougher consistency. I am thinking of increase the amount of molasses or possibly adding warmed 100% apple juice to the formula. I would love your thoughts. Thanks again!
Yes, that’s what we did. We just upped the molasses a bit and probiotics a pinch more. I would also use a little Tummygize essential oil diluted with coconut oil over the tummy as well. 😉
Hi Rama,
Thanks so much for posting this formula. I’ve been supplementing with it for my 4.5 month old son since I went back to work about 4 weeks ago. He has been doing wonderfully on it. We tried him on cow’s milk formula (German Hipp brand) but he broke out into acne, had deep under eye circles and got so congested we were all up every two hours in the night. I wish I could post a before and after picture with the cow’s milk versus this formula.
Despite this great success, I gave the recipe to my pediatrician after he asked me what I was supplementing with. He responded that not all of the ingredients had been researched in infants. I’m very frustrated as I’m pretty sure this doctor thinks health and diet are not related, as has been my experience with most doctors. Do you have some information on what’s been researched in the ingredients? Something to give me the confidence that this is a healthy formula?
Thanks in advance for all your work,
Hi AM,
Did you ever get any additional information for your pediatrician? My LO is going in for his 6 month check up next week and I wanted to be fully prepared in case I get any push back.
My son really likes this formula, he’s been breastfed and hates/refuses to drink any other formula. It even helps with his constipation.
So I’m really hoping she gives me the green light to transition him fully onto the goats milk formula.
Thanks WC
I took it to her twice to look over extensively and she approved 100%. This isn’t to say yours won’t, but I felt good bc she was hitting the recommended needs of a baby nutritionally and she was also growing well.
I came across your recipe totally by chance. My second daughter is just over 2 months & I felt so awful for her because I don’t produce a lot of milk. I wish I’d researched better with my first baby girl. This would’ve saved me a lot of heart ache.
Anyways- I just got all the ingredients in the mail today and right away made my first batch. …Rama- thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work in perfecting this recipe. I gave her the bottle and she wasn’t crying as she ate. She burped within 5 min, she was calm and relaxed after her feeding, there was so inconsolable crying for hours. I cried because she seemed HAPPY for the first time in her life. She had a bowel movement just a little while later. With the formulas I’d been trying she was going 5 to 7 days without one. I know it’s day 1 and I don’t like to get ahead of myself, but I had to post a thank you. She’s asleep right next to me now, when usually I’d be out walking the house with her while she cried from gas cramps. I’m forever grateful.
Oh my goodness, April. Tears. I’m so glad to hear this. I hope it keeps up. We had the same problem and just was so thankful to find something not full of junk that was good for her, kept her growing, and worked. So glad you ‘stumbled’ across this, it wasn’t by accident. 😉
Keep me posted!
Rama (rayma)
Thank you so much for this recipe! I had mainly everything on hand, other then the gelatin (I had vital proteins collagen peptides). Our son has been having issues with formula, he’s 11 months, was switched at 10 months due to hormonal imbalance issues with myself.
One question – I wasn’t able to find goat milk powder at any store and didn’t want to wait to order online (wanted to get him started asap). We don’t have raw goat milk in Canada so I Picked up whole pasteurized from a local farm.
How do I substitute the liquid goat milk for the powder ?
I did a trial batch of diving the 32 oz in half (16 oz water and 16 oz goat milk) and kept everything else the same.
(As 32 oz of water and 32 oz of milk seemed like a lot)
What is your recommendation in regards to subbing with actual goats milk vs powder?
You dilute it by half, 50:50 goat milk to water and once they hit 1 year, their kidneys can handle full strength! Check with your Ped to make sure to be safe!
Hi! I am considering using this formula for my son. He does great on a commercial goat milk formula, but it is so expensive! This would be about 1/3 of the cost. I’m in the process of calculating out all the nutrients. I have a question about the folic acid content. The Meyenburg full fat goat milk powder is fortified with folic acid at an amount of 20% DV for two scoops, which would be 40% for the four scoops called for in the recipe. This comes out to 160mcg of folic acid per 32 oz batch. The nutritional yeast also adds a fair amount. It ends up being 40.2 mcg per 100 calorie serving which is significantly more than the FDA nutritional guideline of greater than 4 mcg. For reference, Similac Alimentum has 15mcg per 100 calorie serving.
So, would too much folic acid be a concern? From my research it only seems like it would be an issue if you had the MTHFR gene mutation. Otherwise the excess folic acid should be excreted. Do you know if that is true?
Yes, that should be correct. I would simply leave out the nutritional yeast. 🙂
This recipe is great however my daughter doesn’t tolerate soy the best and it says for bob red mills yeast is cross contamited with soy in the factory. Is this ingredient specifically needed? Can I use another source for the b12 and folic acid that won’t contain any soy?
You absolutely can! I had NO idea it was cross-contaminated with soy, that is too bad. Definitely look for FOLATE sources as well over folic acid and the molasses should suffice for B12.
Just mixed this up for the first time today. I calculated all the nutrients myself in a super awesome spreadsheet, compared to the FDA nutritional requirements for infant formula and it looks great! It tastes soooo sweet, though! I was very careful when mixing it and am 95% sure I added the right amount of sugar. I know that 4 T is the right amount nutritionally because I calculated it myself. But it just tastes crazy sweet. Is that normal? Or did I probably mess up? Or is it just the conventional formula taste so bad, lol?
I thought the same thing! Breast milk is pretty sweet, too! It is what it is bc it is WAY better than formula. 😉
This is what I did with my first two children, except I used raw goat milk. This was almost 40 years ago.
Yes, raw is awesome!
Hi there
I took this to my ped and her first question was where is the zinc? She doesn’t feel there is enough for a baby. Can you clarify. He’s been thriving on it for 3 months and growth is on target but her concerns were about needing zinc for proper development and I can’t find anything about the zinc content… Please let me know your thoughts
If your Ped is concerned (mine wasn’t) and you feel you should supplement ask your Ped what he/she suggests and adjust accordingly! 🙂
Thank you so much for the recipe! Just wanted to say that I make the 32oz then pour serving sizes into the breastmilk storage bags and keep them in my fridge. Then I just take one out, run it under warm water and pour the exact serving into a bottle. So easy for middle of the night feedings. And since everything is divided while still semi warm and fresh, all of the coconut oil is distributed evenly in each serving 🙂
That is a genius idea!!
Also, did you use the extra vitamin drops yourself? It seems that with everything all combined in the formula that there are enough vitamins without the extra synthetic drops. Would my baby be deficient at some point if I chose not to add the drops? I do plan to ask my pedi next week at my son’s appointment, I just wanted to know your opinion. He is 2 months old. So you know how the recommended ounces consumed for 2 months is around 3 to 4oz? Well my son went from that 3 to 4 on Holle goat milk formula, to like 5 or sometimes 6oz on your recipe. He totally loves it and smacks his lips after he is done. Does the oz recommendation change with your recipe? Or should I just let my son decide how hungry he is? He does eventually stop and push the bottle out when he is satisfied. Thank you so very much for your time and thank you for this amazing recipe. My baby is already happier!
I only did D drops! And for the rest of your questions, I would simply check with your Ped just to be safe. My Ped approved this recipe and went over it extensively with what I came up with as a Certified Holistic Nutritionist background, but every baby is individual, too! I want what’s best for you as a mama to feel comfortable and what your baby needs!
We just let ours eat as much as she needed until satisfied and you are SO welcome! It saved us, so I’m glad it’s helping other mamas, dads, and babies out there.
Last question! Sorry. I see that the vitamin drops you suggested do not have iron. Does it matter if people use vitamins with or without iron for this recipe? And if vitamin drops are used is there risk of overdosing on vitamins since the recipe already contains these vitamins? Like iron in the molasses and b 12 in the yeast etc. ? Sorry for all of the questions. I just want to do what is best and safest for my baby. Thank you.
Hi there!
I am a dietitian in Bristol Va & your recipe was shared from
A friend. Have you by chance broken down your recipe to see how it compares to other formulas and to see if it meets a baby’s nutritional needs? I saw that you are a nutritionist so I am really excited about this recipe!
We started our girl at 4 weeks. Ped approved. That being said, always check with yours 🙂
Hi! I’m on my second child and looking to switch to goats milk instead of soy. I fed my daughter straight up goats milk powder and milk from 4 months on, now realizing she wasn’t receiving the adequate vitamins she needed. She was sick a lot and had serious teeth issues young. I am going to follow this recipe with my 6 week old due to his intolerance to a sensitive organic milk based formula. We have waited long enough to see how he adjusts. I was goat fed and so was my brother. My question is- is this mixture safe for a 6 week old?
Can I substitute jersey cow milk for the goat milk. Goat milk is so hard to come by and I can get jersey milk from just 3 miles down the road
If you feel good about it, the nutrition profile is the same or similar (Jersey and goat is so similar) and it’s okay’d by a Ped, I say go for it!
What is the recipe modifications for a 1 year old?
No dilution! Use the full recipe. 🙂
Thanks for this blog. Its really helpful and also useful for my babies health. You tell us good difference about goat milk and cows milk.
Thanks for providing us a blog. Great difference between goat and cows milk.
Hope we will soon see your next post.
Hi. Maybe I missed this somewhere…the links for the supplies through amazon aren’t working. Is it the full fat goat milk powder or non fat that you’re using? And the gelatin powder…the canister is orange for the gelatin, and green for the gelatin collagen hydrolysate. The pic for the amazon list is the green can, but recipe says Great Lakes Gelatin, not the collagen version. Thanks in advance for your guidance!
What a wonderful alternative! My twins seem to have a milk intolerance and so I have been doing extensive research and will be giving your recipe a go once their pedi approves! I do have one question- my babes will take a cold bottle straight from the fridge. Is there another healthy saturated fat I could use instead of coconut oil seeing as that will probably harden as the formula cools? With twins, the less steps the better! Haha 🙂 Thanks!
I am so happy my naturopath directed me to your recipe. We have currently been using it for almost a week but have noticed he spits up after every feeding. It is not necessarily right after either. It just smells terrible so I find myself changing his clothes a lot because it never stays on his bib. His bowels are also really watery. I follow your recipe exactly using Real Maple Syrup and Olive oil. Are there any adjustments you would suggest or do you think this could be a transition period? He is 4 months old and takes between 4-5oz bottles.
Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. I’m currently pregnant with twins and have successfully nursed my 2 older kids but love this option for supplementation. However I am living in Canada and it is expensive to buy goat milk powder I’m curious would this formula work with grass fed whey isolate and would the ratio differ? Thanks so much
Hi, there! It sure might, I would talk to your Ped to make sure it translates well!
Can you tell me what the calorie count per oz or even per 32oz is? My daughters doctor is worried it’s not high enough caloricly because she’s struggling to gain weight. She has terrible reflux though and has struggled to gain weight on breastmilk and stir eboight formula. I just need to prove it to him.
Thank you thank you thank you for this recipe! Breastfeeding didn’t work out longterm for me with either of my son’s. I wanted to make the WAP raw milk formula but raw milk is illegal in Canada. I cried when I came across this formula recipe because it’s wholesome AND easy to make. You have no idea the peace and blessed relief this has brought to my home. Now I know my sweet baby is getting good milk.
Hi, there Sarah! I am SO SO glad!!!
Hi there! Loved your post. Thanks for all the thorough info! My baby is 10 months now and my milk supply has dropped dramatically (I’m pregnant again) so I’m in need to supplementing. My daughter has no known allergies or need for goats milk formula but it just seems like this is healthier for her than premade formulas even organic. Would you say this is healthier than formulas already made and in powder form? Thank you!
Hi! Yes! SO much healthier! My babe’s skin was glowing and her tum was so very happy!
Thank you for this article! I have a couple questions I was hoping you’d be able to help me out with. My 7 month old has been getting this formula & breast milk for the last month. Store bought formulas made him very constipated, and thus has been helpful but we are still.having some issues with it. Increasing the molasses doesn’t help much. He gets a probiotic daily. We’ve also tried a little bit of prune juice, but he doesn’t care for the taste. I’ve also tried increasing his vitamin c, but have the same issue with that. Do you have any other suggestions?
Also, u was looking at the meyenberg can todat, and just noticed it actually says to mix 2 scoops of powder with 3/4 cups water to make a cup of milk. I’ve been going off you recipe (8oz water : 1 scoop), is there a very big difference in the couple ounces of difference?
Just wanted to say thank you for this great recipe! I have been using it since birth and my baby is almost 8 months now. Never had stomach issues like my others and she’s growing beautifully. I never even knew I could make my own formula until now. It’s difficult sometimes to prepare when I’m tired and make sure I have the ingredients in stock (I use fresh goat milk) but I’m so used to it, I could do it in my sleep. I prepare a day’s worth in breastmilk storage bags like someone said they do and it is super easy then. Adds a bit to the expense but at this point, convenience matters especially because I know they are evenly distributed. So, we both say thank you!!!
This is interesting. I never thought goat milk can be used for baby’s milk formula. How is it different from cow’s milk?
thank you
We used this for my first child. I had a traumatic birth (had to be on bed rest for a month!) & was never able to produce more than an ounce or so. All the formulas we used ended in our normally happy easy baby crying & in stomach pain. As soon as we switched to this recipe, she was happy as can be!!! She thrives like crazy. Always a couple months ahead on her milestones! Especially her mental ones. Everyone was amazed at how smart she was! She knew her whole alphabet (capital & lowercase), all her phonics and all her numbers up to 20 shortly after 1 years old & knew most by 1. She was by no means hindered by this homemade formula. Thank you for sharing! I share it with other mamas!
This makes my heart SO happy. Yes !!! I’m so glad it worked well for you and your precious babe. <3
LOVE hearing this!! Good job, Mama!!
Could i add baby DHA to this?
My 2 1/2 month old grandson has been on this formula for a couple of weeks and his nasty goopy eye almost since birth is all clear up woohoo. He seems much happier, sleeps better, isn’t as gassy. My question is he seems to deal with issues with constipation and problems when having a bowel movement and was wondering if you had any suggestions to help. Thanks in advance
Hi, SO glad to hear this! Yes, if your Ped is okay with it, I would up the probiotics a bit. 🙂
I am already feeding my baby Holle ‘Goat Milk’ and had wonderful experience so far with both formula and the online store i have been getting it from.. I am definitely gonna try that amazing recipe you shared for making home made goat milk. One question though. How do i figure out if i have made it right?
I’ve been feeding this formula to my 1 month old son for 2 weeks now and he has some very hard to pass stools and has to strain something terrible. What can I do to make his stools easier to pass? The only thing I’m doing different is I haven’t added any gelatin, but I will as soon as it gets here ( I have some ordered) will that make a difference?
Hi! I’m not sure if someone else addressed this, there’s so many comments! But would it be okay to use liquid organic coconut oil and just shake it all up or is using the solid necessary?
I personally chose the solid bc of the fat content. Talk to your Ped if to make sure the ratios are right!
What age can a baby start this type ? Is this ok for newborns ?
Hi there is the link for the gelatin the right product? It goes to collagen hydrolysate instead of anything labeled gelatin. Thank you! The only thing I find labeled gelatin is a red can.
Is it okay to use the blue vital proteins collagen instead of great lakes? Thank you.
Yes, they are both great as well as liquid collagen! Do what works best for your specific body. 🙂