DIY Lice Prevention Spray

If you are coming from Real Food RN, welcome! Did you love her easy eye makeup remover? If you haven’t heard the scoop, this is the ‘Detox Your Home: Spring Cleaning Blogger Series’ and I am so excited about it. There are a lot of amazing bloggers who have put together awesome, not to mention easy DIY ‘recipes’ for your home…and then some. I am already taking notes myself! Let’s detox!

So, you wanna’ detox your home this Spring? Fabulous! We are inundated with toxic chemicals within the walls of our homes and I know for our family it’s about replacing those items with better, non-toxic alternatives one at a time. If you haven’t gotten in on essential oils yet, they are amazing!! You can do so much with them, especially when it comes to cleaning and body care and the best part: they are safe. Simply put, essential oils are concentrated plant oils. Our “Detox Your Home” series will inspire you and show you how to make your own household supplies naturally using essential oils.

Detox Your Home Blogger Series

If only I had this before my Little came home with lice. Twice. Yep, good times. Shortly after I sent him off to pre-school, he came home one day with the dreaded little white ‘rain drops’ on his sweet, little head. If you’ve been there with your kiddos you know just how uncool head lice is. You have to wash everything and re-wash it and if you go the conventional way (like when we were kids), you douse your child’s heads with pesticides over and over again until they all finally die off, (thankfully, we have better, non-toxic options now that work great!). But, what if you could avoid all of this and simply prevent head lice? Enter…HEAD LICE PREVENTION/REPELLENT SPRAY. You guys! This is so easy. You need 3 ingredients in a spray bottle! Who’s in? Make up a batch of this, keep it in your cabinet and spray it on your child’s head before he/she goes off to school.

Head Lice Prevention Spray Using Essential Oils

DIY Lice Prevention Spray

  • 10 drops Lavender essential oil

  • 10 drops Rosemary essential oil

  • 2 oz. water

Combine in a spray bottle. Apply daily.

This recipe was taken from The Chemical Free Home {see below} by Melissa Poepping.

The Chemical Free Home - Awesome Book!

I’m newer to the world of essential oils and I am loving it! From cleaning products to relaxation to breathing better and the list goes on, I am in love with EOs! Many of my readers, friends and family have also taken the oily plunge into the world of caring for themselves and their families naturally with essential oils. Have you thought about taking the plunge? You won’t regret. They are awe-some!!!  Click here to learn more or contact the person who introduced you to the “Detox Your Home” Spring blog series! :) I’m offering a FREE copy of The Chemical Free Home to anyone {in the U.S.} who signs up with a Premium Starter Kit through April 7th!!  

Okay, onto the next recipe in this series! Head on over to Saving Dollars and Sense at 7 a.m. tomorrow morning for the next way you can Detox Your Home!

Be sure to check out all 30 posts in the “Detox Your Home” Spring blogger series here!


Detox Your Home Blogger Series: Non-Toxic Head Lice Prevention Spray!!


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Many of the recipes in this series (including this one) are from The Chemical Free Home by Melissa Poepping who graciously gave us permission to share her recipes online.



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