10 Egg Breakfast Ideas to Fuel Your Body

Why eating a high protein breakfast in the morning is huge!

All Things Eggs

Eggs are incredibly nutrient-dense. They are considered the highest quality of protein for human consumption because they contain the highest amount of essential amino acids. Eggs contain B12, Vit E, Folic Acid, Riboflavin, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, and essential fatty acids. The yolks are no longer regarded as evil (thankfully!) and contain the richest source of choline, the B vitamin responsible for fetal brain development, neurological function and even reducing inflammation in the body. Yolks also contain sulfur (think strong nails, shiny hair and great skin) and carotenoids, which aid in vision. The incredible, edible egg indeed!

Definitely consider the eggs you get. It matters. From the animal to your plate, it makes a huge difference in quality and nutrition just by buying the right kind of eggs. —-> Do You Know How Bad the Egg Industry Is?

Egg Breakfasts That Fuel


Veg frit

Whipping Up a Vegetable Frittata by NYTimes Well Blog

Egg Muffins

You can use any combo of veggies if you don’t like mushrooms. 🙂 Make a batch ahead of time and have them during the week  for a quick breakfast.

egg muffins

Spinach Quiche Cups by Manila Spoon

Bacon Egg Cups

*Choose quality bacon: pastured, nitrate/nitrite-free bacon. Otherwise, it’s not worth it.

bacon egg cups

Bacon & Egg Cups with Feta Cheese and Thyme by Two Loves Studio

Bell Pepper Rimmed Eggs

bell eggs

Bell Pepper Rimmed Eggs by Recipe By Photo

Sourdough or Sprouted Wheat Egg ‘McMuffins’

It’s hard for me to even type the word McMuffin bc I despise McDonalds. I do. BUT, there is something to be said about a breakfast sandwich made with an English muffin and the Yummy Life nails it! Choose sprouted wheat or organic sourdough (sourdough is fermented and is a healthy choice). What makes something like this ‘healthy’ in my book all comes down to quality ingredients. Choose organic or homegrown produce, as local as you can get, nitrate-free, pastured Canadian bacon, ham or turkey sausage, choose grass-fed/raw cheeses, fresh herbs and quality oils (coconut oil, grass-fed butter, etc.) and don’t have to use a microwave! 🙂 A toaster oven or oven works just fine if you’re going to make these ahead and reheat. Microwaves are no bueno (that’s for another post, but  let’s just say in Chinese Medicine microwaved food is considered dead food and if you’re going to go to the trouble of buying quality ingredients, why kill ’em?). Food tastes better reheated on a stove or oven and you won’t miss the thing anyway. 

egg mc2

egg mc

Make-Ahead Egg McMuffins by The Yummy Life


Jamie show us how…



Omelette w. Ricotta, Spinach and Carmelised Leeks by IdeasMag.com

Baked Eggs

Baked Eggs

Baked Eggs by Use Real Butter

Egg Casserole

Baked Egg Casserole

Breakfast Casserole Recipe with Spinach, Leeks, Cottage Cheese, and Goat Cheese by Kalyn’s Kitchen

Egg Hash

Breakfast Hash

Brussels Sprouts Breakfast Hash with Eggs by Food For My Family

Breakfast Hash Chorizo


Brussels Sprout, Sweet Potato, and Chorizo Hash by Katie at the Kitchen Door

Breakfast Pizza

Breakfast Pizza

Pizza Frittata by Minimalist Baker


Fun Egg  Shop!

10 Egg Breakfastsfuel  

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