The First 3 Weeks with Baby #2

Hey, All! We’ve been MIA lately due to our littlest one being born. As a lot of you know, I thought she’d never come!! But, she did. On December 16th, Miss Soraya Grey (pronounced So-ray-a) came fiercely into this world at home in water in an hour and sixteen minutes. Yep, it was crazy. I wasn’t even sure I was in labor! I’ll have to write her birth story soon. I wrote my first’s here. I wanted to share with you some highlights in pics of what we’ve been up to over the last three weeks and say we’ll be back to regularly scheduled blog posts and FB updates soon! I’ll also be kicking off a 60-Day Paleo and workout challenge at the end of the month! Join me? Time to lose the baby weight, I’m excited. I love a challenge. 🙂 If you have certain health or weight/fitness goals you’d like to achieve, then let’s do this together! I’ll be sharing what I eat, recipes, workouts and weight lost over the 60 days and will putting the specific details of this challenge together over the next two weeks. If you have any requests, suggestions or ideas on how you’d like a challenge like this to go down leave a comment under this post or comment on our FB page.

1 Comment

  • Lisa says:

    Congratulations! She is beautiful. I love her name too. Just precious! You look terrific too, by the way 🙂

    I am excited about the 60 day Paleo and workout challenge. Looking forward to future instructions.

    Best wishes,


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