I totally had a craving for a smoothie earlier today (must be all of this warm weather we’re having in Oregon, which never happens this time of year!) and came up with this little treat on the fly. It definitely satisfied! This would be great for a healthy dessert, breakfast smoothie or quick snack.
Strawberry Banana Hemp Smoothie
- Handful of strawberries (you can leave the tops on if you want)
- 2-3 Tbs. Hemp Protein Powder
- 1-2 Tbs. nut butter (optional)
- 1-2 Tbs. chia seeds
- A few pieces of ice
Add the almond milk in your blender first, then everything else (adding spinach or greens is always an option!). Blend & enjoy! It’s that easy.
Cool Nutritional Stuff
Hemp protein is one of easiest proteins to digest. It’s gluten-free, high in fiber, contains all nine amino acids, chlorophyll, essential fatty acids (good fats: Omega-3s, 6s and 9s), including GLA, which fights chronic disease and is full of minerals like iron, magnesium and zinc.
{Hemp Protein Powder. Get your hemp on!}
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Where did you buy your hemp protein?
There’s a link to it on Amazon (we have Prime and it’s awesome, 2-day shipping), you can also find it at Whole Foods and New Seasons! How are you, Ruth? How’s health? -R
Hey Rama, I read somewhere that if you have thyroid problems you should stay away from spinach? Any thoughts? Do you know? Thanks!! 🙂
Yes, we touched on this in class so I don’t have in-depth research on this, but look into goitrogens. Here is an article that might help: http://www.naturalendocrinesolutions.com/articles/goitrogens-thyroid-inhibiting-foods-you-should-avoid/
Thanks, Robin!
It looks amazing!! So tasty sounding. Sophie and I will try it tomorrow!
I actually thought of you. You will love it. Simple and good 🙂
A M A Z I N G!
Boxed items are a thing of the past!
The boys are almost there too! Thinking about sending their lunches to daycare to ensure they’re getting the best. Hubby is doing good too (even dropped 20 pounds). Things are way better! Thank you!
Ruth, THAT IS AWESOME!! Love to hear this!